01 February, 2007

A Record Month

Of cycling for me. The month of January I rode 413.87 miles on the bike, albeit all inside on the trainer, but its a record for me no less. My previous high was this past November where I rode, 341.20. My January total, is 121.30% more than the November 2006 total.

I was able to do this because I was home most of the time, and I was able to get a lot of longer than normal rides, and I rode 29 out of the 31 days in January. I even managed to do a 20+ miler on the trainer. My average ride was 14.27 miles, that number was helped of course by the one 20 miler, but I had a couple of 15+ miles rides.

Once I go back to work next week, my mileage will back down, mostly because, I won't have the time that I had in January, and the fact that I usually take a day or two off during the week. As it is now, I have ridden 25 days straight, which is amazing.

Felt good to get that much mileage in, but I know I probably overdid it. I know this morning, I was tired, so I think its catching up with me a little bit. Most of rides average around 13 miles, so I will probably stay around that number during the week, and based on how I feel on the weekends, bump it up a little bit.

I am sure I won't get near the 400 mile mark again for awhile, but I thought I'd at least brag, its an accomplishment that I am pretty proud of.


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