21 February, 2007

Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return

Today is Ash Wednesday the start of the Lenten season. The kids will get their ashes at school today. The Mrs and I will go to mass at 1930 tonight. The kids have already expressed their displeasure about having to go to church again, but we told them that they don't have to get ashes again.

For most Catholics, lent is a time where the give up something, (read sacrifice), this year, I have decided that I am going to forgo soda for the whole Lenten season, which end 06 April, Good Friday. Also this means no meat on Friday's. Today and Good Friday as well as being an abstinence day is a fast day, which means only one full meal for the day.

The no meat thing isn't that hard, we usually have pizza on Friday's anyway, but that makes lunch tough for me.


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