27 May, 2008

Yet Another Day Off

Tomorrow, the boy has 102.3 fever, and has yakked a couple of times in the last four days. So I chose to stay home tomorrow. I have work that I brought home with me, so I will spend part of the day trying to stay ahead of the work curve.

They only have a few more weeks of school left, then if there are any problems the Mrs will be here.

I just hope that I don't waste another day like I did last time he was sick.


26 May, 2008

Lest We Forget

The true reason that we celebrate this holiday. We honor the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep this country free. Remember to take time out of your busy day to say a prayer, to the memory of those who gave it all, and if you see a veteran today, say thank you.


21 May, 2008

On Gas Prices

What the hell is going on. I just saw the oil closed over $130.00/barrel for the first time today. I paid 3.819/gallon yesterday to fill my car. I have gotten to the point that I am trying to get into the habit of filling the cars when the tanks are at the ½ way mark, just so it's not as big a dent in the wallet. My car has an 18 gallon tank, the Mrs, has 19.8, so filling an empty tank, really empties the wallet.

With a holiday weekend coming up, I am sure that by the end of the week we will see prices around the 3.90 range if not higher. I don't know how some people do it. Working stiffs like me, are once again getting screwed by the big Corporations, the government (with all the frigging taxes they have on gas). What we stiffs supposed to do, we need to drive to work, sure there are options and alternatives, but at some point you need your car to get around.

I'd like to see some more actions from our government instead of rhetoric and finger pointing. I am for independence on foreign oil, but the technology is in its infancy and while it may solve the problem in the long term, we need something done now, or pretty soon, nobody is going anywhere

This is getting ridiculous. My wallet gets smaller, and the oil companies and the OPEC nations are getting fatter.


On The Philadelphia Police Firings/Suspensions

Recently there was an incident here in the city of brotherly love, where a bunch police officers, used excessive force on three shooting suspects, the whole incident was caught on video tape by a news helicopter. This incident occurred only a few days after a fellow police officer, Stephen Liczbinski only a few days before. Also at the time of this beating, one of the accomplices from the Liczbinski was still at large, although the shooter of the officer was shot and killed by police the day of the killing.

Granted police tensions were high, they had just lost one of their own, the second in less than a year, and the men who were beaten were fleeing police, and were certainly not outstanding, law abiding citizens, but the reaction from the local media, and populace was way overblown.

Did the police overreact, probably, but so did the police commissioner and the mayor.

Of course the race card is being played, surprise, surprise.

Bottom line Four officers were fired, and four others were suspended by Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey. The local DA is reviewing the case for possible criminal charges, and I am sure the federal government will take a look as well. Then of course there will more than likely be a civil case, where the beating victims will sue everyone and anyone remotely involved in the case.

Personally, I believe Commissioner Ramsey reacted too swiftly, since all of the officers were white, and the victims were black, I believe Ramsey's actions were done in the interest of keeping peace on the streets...not that firing/suspending officers will help keep peace on the street (the crime statistics speak for themselves), but there seems to be a lack of due process here. All of the officers should have been suspended, pending a thorough investigation, by people independent of the city, and police department.

Could you imagine if the criminal justice system worked this rapidly (actually it wouldn't be a bad thing), a lot of bad guys would be off the street and behind bars where they belong. let's see you caught doing something, and within a week you are in jail.

Those who know me, know that I am big supporter of the police, so obviously I am biased, but I believe that the police were wronged in this situation, and betrayed by a commissioner and mayor who think they are acting swiftly to handle a volatile situation, clearly reacted to fast.

Let's see how this plays out. My personal opinion is that all the officer will be reinstated, which they should, and some reforms in use of use of force will occur, and people will still be pissed off, but you can't please everyone.


15 May, 2008

Sorry It's Been Awhile

Since my last blog update, this time of year is a very hectic with two kid's in sports, a busy work schedule, and just overall life issues.

On the MS front, what a month it's been. Two weeks ago I went to the neurologist office for what I thought was to be a simple albeit slightly uncomfortable procedure. The procedure involved a spinal tap, which then then would inject via a catheter a medicine directly into my spine that would help me with the muscle spasms and weakness that I have in my legs, mostly my right side.

This is a test to see if I would a candidate for a Baclofen Pump, yet another electronic device to be implanted in me.

Long story short, the two neurology fellows were unable to get the spinal tap, total number of attempts was four, plus at least that many shots of lidocaine to numb the area. That area of my back looked like a dartboard, plus I was sore as hell.

After the fourth attempt, the neurologist decided that I have been tortured enough and that I should come back again, but this time have the procedure down under using flouroscopy to aid in getting the catheter into my spine.

So last Wednesday, I went in for that procedure. After some clerical, and bureaucratic foul ups, the test was done, the medicine was given, and the results were very positive. The radiologist, got the spinal tap on the first try, and I had very little discomfort, as opposed to my experience the week before where I was utterly tortured.

About an hour after the procedure, the neurology fellow came in and tested me again, and the increase in muscle strength, and lack of spascity was noticeably different. We discussed the implantation of the baclofen pump, and decided that it was a good idea, and I green lighted the idea. It will take a couple of weeks, for the doctors to review everything, before I get on the schedule for the actual surgery...side note, at some point this year I am due for a defibrillator change, so I will be opened up twice this year. I imagine sometime in June this will be done.

While the fact of having another foreign object in my body and a catheter in my spine doesn't sound like a lot of fun, I am at a point right now that something needs to be done to help. I was honestly hoping for an injectable medication, since that is less invasive, and has less risks, but we will see what long term benefits the pump brings and hopefully gives me some more mobility.

On the cognitive front, I have noticed, rather the kid's have noticed that I am having more brain farts than usual, and they are picking up on them, where I am not. I need to discuss with the doctor what course of action needs to be done to remedy this. Also, I have been having more cases of the dropsies, I broke a coffee mug, and dropped a few kitchen items the other day.

So I keep plugging along one day at a time, I have felt pretty good this week, have had more energy than usual, mostly in the morning, still get tired mid-afternoon, but I feel like my mornings have been very productive.

That's it for now, more to come
