23 February, 2007

Car Update

Well, it turns the car was just overfilled with oil, that was what was causing the smoke from the exhaust. My mechanic changed the oil and added some Hi-Tach Premium Oil Stabilizer which will help the car run better. He was unable to duplicate the smoke from the exhaust, so that the overfill of oil appears to be the culprit...plus it is what the check engine diagnostic said when the hooked it up.

Maybe this combined with new tire, my mileage will increase. I get about 25 MPG now, a little more would be nicer.

What could have cost a lot of money, or resulted in us buying a new car, only ended up costing us, $32.55. So for now the Civic is remaining home with us, to continue its faithful service to the Cappy Clan.

I did do some looking at cars when I was home earlier today, and that was fun.

At least for now, we don't have the added burden of another car payment.


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