23 February, 2007

Abstinence and Sacrifice (Week 1)

Today is the first Friday in Lent, and it means no meat (on Friday's) for the next six weeks. Its a little bit of an adjustment but we manage to do okay. Today, I had pizza for lunch, and will probably have the same thing for dinner. The kid's aren't real fish eaters, so if we make fish, we usually make them something else. If had the car today, I probably would stopped at the store and pick up some flounders.


As for my Lenten sacrifice, I decided to forgo soda for the forty days of Lent. This is going to be a daunting task, I am used to having two-three soda's a day, and went to zero, cold turkey. Its been tempting, but this is a time of sacrifice, and its probably better for me anyway

So for now its diet iced tea, and H2O...at least for the next 37 days.


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