15 February, 2007

The Parking Garage

This morning it is a brisk 16° out, so yesterday's snow is now ice. It made for an interesting ride in this morning. I only had trouble at one intersection that I slide through, other than that, even though the road's were icy, I made out okay.

Then I got to the parking garage. Everyday indoor spot was taken so that meant I had to park on the roof, which happens sometimes. As I made my way up I got about ¾ of the way up the ramp and the car started sliding back down the ramp. I ended up getting myself wedged in a little snow drift and it took me about five minutes to get myself out. Once I did, I backed my car up as far as I could, dropped it into D1 and gunned it. I made it up the hill with no problems. Hopefully it doesn't snow today, otherwise I will have a messy car to deal with.

Some day's you get lucky in the parking garage others you don't.

and the kids have a two hour delay, and I believe the Mrs. is probably going to be off


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