07 June, 2007

Slow Down

Its been an observation of mine for some time, that people, especially those in this area of the country are in too much of a hurry to get where they are going...me included.

Yesterday I was coming home from a doctor's appointment and jumped on a local interstate highway, which has a posted speed limit of 55 MPH. I generally do about 65 MPH as that was traffic generally flows at. Last night cars were blowing past me like I was standing still, and on more than one occasion, I had cars come up right on top of me, and make sudden lane changes to avoid hitting me in the ass. At one point I found myself going 70 and still being blown off the road.

Heck even driving in local traffic sometimes, especially in the western part of Philadelphia, people will pass, and even go through red lights and stop signs.

I try to stay within 5-10 MPH of posted speed limits, and stay in one lane if at possible when driving on the highway, but it still befuddles me that people fly by me without a care in the world, and its people of all genders and age groups.

Last night really was a wake up call, that people need to slow the hell down, the few seconds they may save, could cost them in a speeding ticket, or even worse theirs or someone else's life


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