10 March, 2007

Movie Car Chases Revisited

This morning whilst riding the bike in the basement, I was flipping through the channels to find something to watch, and I stumbled upon the movie, Bullitt. As I have previously blogged about, this ranks up on my personal list as one of the best movie car chases scenes ever. The driving in this movie is incredible, often the speeds exceed 100 MPH. Even though some of the editing was off, some of the goofs during the chase itself, actually made into the movie. The picture above, that shows Bullitt backing his car up, was actually a mistake by Steve McQueen (who did some of his own stunt driving) who over steered on one of the turns. Another goof is when the Charger over steers and hits a camera that was mounted on a pole, you actually see the shot blur at impact.
Although the movie itself isn't really that good, the movie is well worth watching just to see some amazing driving through the streets of San Francisco.
Watching this movie many years ago, is what really got me interested in Mustangs, especially the 60's era versions, and I bought the DVD just because of it.
I actually rode my bike seven extra miles just so I could watch the chase scene. That's how good this scene is.

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