24 January, 2007

State of the Union 2007

I must admit that I again missed the SOTU speech once again. I'd really like to watch it but I always seem to get sidetracked. I probably would watch it more if the members of Congress would just stop clapping and let the President speak. Its hard to grasp what he is saying when every twelve seconds there is applause.

I have read some excerpts from the speech and some of the ideas seem sound and doable, but with a democratic controlled congress it will be tough to get anything done, without one side pissing and moaning.

One thing that I don't want, is a tax increase. The middle class in this country pay to much in taxes as it is, we don't want/need to pay anymore than we already are. I do agree that the federal budget needs to be balanced and the deficit lowered, and doing so without raising taxes would be great. My suggestion, if anyone is interested, is less pork spending. Also have the GAO take a real hard look at federal spending across the board, leave the stone unturned. There is waste all over, I am sure there a lot of things that could be streamlined, reduced, cut, and or reevaluated that could save this country a boatload of money.

Just my 2¢


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