30 January, 2007

The Philadelphia Auto Show

Click image for link to auto show website
Starts this Saturday 03 February 2007. I have lived in this area my entire life and have never been to the Auto Show before so I am really looking forward to this, and so has my son, who I am going to take with me. We are going to go on Sunday the 4th, since the show only runs for a week, its the only day that we could really get down there. The girls have decided to sit this one out. They plan on going shopping (uh oh). What is nice is that I can take the train to the Philadelphia Convention Center and the station is right below the center, so I don't have to worry about parking, which for this type of event the lots will charge a fortune for.

I am looking forward to seeing all the cars, especially the new concepts. Lexus and Mercedes look like they have the biggest amount of floor space according to the floor plan. I hoping to see some great concepts. I plan on bringing my camera and taking lots of pictures.
It should be a memorable day for both the boy and me.

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