08 July, 2007

My Seven Wonders of The World

As was announced earlier today the new seven wonders of the world was revealed. Of the seven, I was actually at one of them, Chichen Itza in Mexico. My wife and I visited there when we honeymooned in Cancun in 1993. Quite a magnificent feat of engineering when it was built. I actually climbed all the way to the top. I remember they had a chain you could hold on to as you ascended and descended the steps.

That being said here are my seven wonders:
  1. Air Conditioning
  2. The Internet
  3. The Automobile
  4. The Airplane
  5. The Telephone
  6. Duct Tape
  7. Computers

Most if not all of these things have made our everyday lives easier, and more productive, especially computers and the Internet. It would be hard to imagine life with out them.

I of course, went with practical things, where the science geeks went with engineering marvels. Not to knock the science guys but most of the above list are more wondrous and practical, than a bunch of old buildings.

Which is probably why, I am not a scientist.


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