13 July, 2007

How Rude Of Me

To try and cross the street when the light was green.

A coworker and I were, were out getting coffee and we had to cross the street to get to the coffee guy (23/Market for you folks familiar with Philly). As we were going back across the street we had a solid green light and we started crossing, when my coworker suddenly grabbed me and pulled me out of the way of the big delivery truck that was making the turn onto Market Street. I admit her and I were talking and I wasn't paying attention, but we both stepped out into the street at the same time, although I was a little bit ahead of her, luckily she saw the truck and grabbed me, or I would have been flattened.

We've been making light of it ever since, but it really scared the shit out of me. I do know the name of the company, so I may place a phone call to them later, just to let them know, although I didn't get a truck number or anything.

NB: No coffee was spilled in this incident


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