30 April, 2007

Witness To Road Rage

This morning while walking to the Rite Aid, to get a birthday card for my boss, I witnessed first hand a case of road rage at its finest, that I thought may turn into a fist a cuffs incident. One of Philly's finest ass clown taxi drivers blatantly cut off a guy in BMW. The guy in the beemer almost rear ended the cab. The beemer guy blew his horn, and both drivers got out of the car, and started yelling. Of course I could only understand the guy in the beemer, the cab driver barely spoke English and what he did I could hardly make any sense out of. The exchange got pretty heated, so once I got the walk sign, I hurried out of the vicinity as quick as I could as I didn't want to get in the middle of anything in case sparks really started flying.

After I got about halfway to down the street, I looked back and could still see the two guys arguing and a lot of horns beeping, since now traffic was backing up. After about another minute or so the cab came speeding down the street. It was only then I realized that he had a fare in his car.

When I returned to the office, I talked to our security guard, who saw the same thing as me. He said that nothing physical happened, but it was pretty heated.

One of these day's one these jackass cab drivers is going to kill someone. Its bad enough that people are shooting each other in record numbers here in the city, now you have to worry about the damn cab drivers too

Welcome to Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love


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