24 April, 2007

On Gas Prices

What the hell is going on with gas prices. Four months ago, they were close to 2.219 a gallon, now they are 2.799 a gallon.

A 58¢ per gallon increase in such a short amount of a time needs some sort of explanation to me. The oil companies are recording record profits, yet the gas prices are still are spiraling up again.

I think the American public needs some answers and not just lip service. The summer is coming up and with more people taking to the roads, the demand will increase, and I am sure the prices will follow the demand.

I am lucky that I have only an eighteen mile round trip to work, and only fill up my car about every two weeks, but filling up, is still putting a dent in the wallets of all consumers.

The problem as I see it, as the we have become so dependent on our cars, that we are forced to pay whatever we are charged for fuel. Its a catch-22, and the oil companies know it and are to me, are exploiting the consumers, and blowing smoke up our ass.

I doubt we will ever get a straight answer. As long as there are lobbyist, and campaigns to be funded, nothing will truly happen. Its the hard working middle class stiffs like me, that are getting screwed, and while my wallett is getting smaller the fat cats at the oil companies are laughing all the way to the banks


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