01 April, 2007

NCAA Tournament

Well for a guy who didn't watch much college basketball this year, I am doing really well in my bracket. I had 3 of 4 final four teams, and I have both teams playing in the championship Monday night. I picked Florida, and if they win, I win the contest with the group I am. Currently I am in first place, with 43 wins, the guy in second place has more wins (49), but I am winning on points because of the graduated scoring system that we use that gives you more points for wins in the later rounds. He picked OSU to win, and I have Florida, so whichever team wins, that person will win the battle of the brackets this year.

I usually do pretty well in my bracket selection, but I don't think I have done this well. I have won an office pool many years back, and that was great. That was the year the UNLV was undefeated and everyone selected them to win, and I picked Duke (which has always been one of my favorite programs) and I won that year. I think my take was $50.00.

The one I am doing with my friends, is in a Yahoo group, and its just for bragging rights.

Go Gators!


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