02 April, 2007

Action Not Words

The city of brotherly love posted its 104th homicide this past weekend, and the did it ahead of last years rate. It took until April 14th last year to reach 100 murders.

I think this city could use a little bit of the late Frank Rizzo's tactics. Sure him and his boys and blue were a little on the rough side, and my have violated a few rights or two, but this city wasn't nearly as dangerous. If he was in command, I am sure he would have a better handle on things than the current administration. Which seems on talking tough, but not doing anything about it.

The black community needs to step here as well, as most of the victims are black, also a lot of witnesses aren't coming forward for fear of reprisal against them. Therefore, killers remain on the street, free to kill at will, without fear of arrest or consequences.

If this trend keeps up there will be no one left to vote in this year's mayoral election.


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