30 April, 2007

Witness To Road Rage

This morning while walking to the Rite Aid, to get a birthday card for my boss, I witnessed first hand a case of road rage at its finest, that I thought may turn into a fist a cuffs incident. One of Philly's finest ass clown taxi drivers blatantly cut off a guy in BMW. The guy in the beemer almost rear ended the cab. The beemer guy blew his horn, and both drivers got out of the car, and started yelling. Of course I could only understand the guy in the beemer, the cab driver barely spoke English and what he did I could hardly make any sense out of. The exchange got pretty heated, so once I got the walk sign, I hurried out of the vicinity as quick as I could as I didn't want to get in the middle of anything in case sparks really started flying.

After I got about halfway to down the street, I looked back and could still see the two guys arguing and a lot of horns beeping, since now traffic was backing up. After about another minute or so the cab came speeding down the street. It was only then I realized that he had a fare in his car.

When I returned to the office, I talked to our security guard, who saw the same thing as me. He said that nothing physical happened, but it was pretty heated.

One of these day's one these jackass cab drivers is going to kill someone. Its bad enough that people are shooting each other in record numbers here in the city, now you have to worry about the damn cab drivers too

Welcome to Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love


The Body Of Christ

Yesterday our youngest made his first holy communion. After almost an entire school year of preparation, it all culminated in the reception of the Holy Eucharist for the first time,yesterday morning, in our home parish, Holy Spirit. I even was the Lector at the mass. Everything went smooth, and all the kids did very well.
Michael was very cooperative with wearing a suit, and very cooperative with getting his picture taken yesterday. Once we got back to my mother in laws, we allowed him to change into more comfortable clothes, which made him a much happy camper

28 April, 2007

The NFL Draft

The Eagles traded their #26 pick to the Cowboys, and ended getting the 32nd overall, and drafted Houston Quarterback Kevin Kolb. Looking at the link, from NFL.com, he looks like he had a pretty good college career, started all 50 of his college games, threw 85 touchdowns, 31 interceptions, connected on 61% of his passes for a total yardage of 12,964. He also ran for 21 touchdowns. He is 6'3" and weighs 220 pounds.

Looks like the Eagle found their heir apparent for Donovan McNabb, who has had injury problem the last few years, and is 30.

This pick really surprised me. I thought for sure, the Eagles would go for a stud linebacker, or offensive lineman. But in thinking about it, with all the injuries that McNabb has had, and the complexity of the West Coast offense, I think this may turn out to be a good pick after all.

I bet mama McNabb is not a happy camper right now

Welcome to Philadelphia Kevin. Good luck to you.


27 April, 2007

On Playstation 2

Well we have had it nearly a week and its gone over very well. There are a few games that I want to get. I am thinking of the Medal Of Honor series, or some war games. Researching some of the games, I think there are so many different games out there, it easy to see how people get hooked on them.

What is really amazing is the graphics and the controllers. I remember 20+ years ago, getting the Atari 2600 and thinking how cool that was. The only controls back then were joysticks and paddles, now the controllers have so many different controls and buttons on them you almost you two hands sometimes

Comparatively speaking the games are about the same price now as they were then, and today's game are much more complex and detailed.


26 April, 2007

The New Office Computer

Has been installed, and after spending an hour or so setting things up to how I like it, its now working great. The best thing of all, besides the faster speed, is the flat screen monitor. I had a 21" monitor before and it took up so much room on my desk. Its great how much more room I gained by getting the flat screen

When the IT guys moved my old monitor, it was a disaster. There was such much dust and other assorted crap that it that it took me about fifteen minutes of cleaning and disinfecting, my desk is now spic and span clean.


Its great having a new system.

25 April, 2007

Wow About The Dow

In just six months (129 trading days) the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose a thousand points to a new high of 13,107.45. Good first quarter earnings, but many of the DJIA companies, help send the DJIA above this historic mark for the first time since its inception.

I used to follow the indices a lot closer when I was an active trader, but have gotten away from it.

Its an historic day indeed, and its a good sign that the economy is going strong.


After Nearly Six Years

of faithful service, my work PC is being retired. I am getting a new computer complete with flat screen monitor. Right now my office monitor is 21", and I hate it. I takes up so much room on my desk. Looking forward to the new PC. This one is using W2K, and older MS Office software. Will be nice to get an upgrade.

So hopefully my next blog post from the office, will be from my new PC.


24 April, 2007

On Gas Prices

What the hell is going on with gas prices. Four months ago, they were close to 2.219 a gallon, now they are 2.799 a gallon.

A 58¢ per gallon increase in such a short amount of a time needs some sort of explanation to me. The oil companies are recording record profits, yet the gas prices are still are spiraling up again.

I think the American public needs some answers and not just lip service. The summer is coming up and with more people taking to the roads, the demand will increase, and I am sure the prices will follow the demand.

I am lucky that I have only an eighteen mile round trip to work, and only fill up my car about every two weeks, but filling up, is still putting a dent in the wallets of all consumers.

The problem as I see it, as the we have become so dependent on our cars, that we are forced to pay whatever we are charged for fuel. Its a catch-22, and the oil companies know it and are to me, are exploiting the consumers, and blowing smoke up our ass.

I doubt we will ever get a straight answer. As long as there are lobbyist, and campaigns to be funded, nothing will truly happen. Its the hard working middle class stiffs like me, that are getting screwed, and while my wallett is getting smaller the fat cats at the oil companies are laughing all the way to the banks



Last night we had our first formal softball practice as a team. Prior to last night, we had about thirty girls, and four coaches. We split them up into two teams, and two coaches. Last night's practice went very well. You can tell the girls are shaking the cobwebs loose and beginning to look real well. The hitting and fielding are going very well. We practiced for about an hour and a half.

Our first game is scheduled for next Friday the 4th. We have two more practices before then.

Things are looking really good for the girls


23 April, 2007

An Eventful Afternoon

After a pretty hectic morning with the family, I was looking forward to some downtime. The Mrs had to go to work to do some paperwork, and she took the boy with her, so I could get some rest, as I had been running around all morning.

Not twenty after she leaves does the phone ring, and she tells me her car broke down. She was close enough to her work that she could walk the rest of the way. I grabbed my daughter and headed out to her car. Along the way, I thought I knew what the problem was, so I stopped off and grabbed three quarts of oil.

I got to the car, and it did exactly what she said it doing, starting up but shutting right down. I popped the hood, and checked the oil, and noticed that it was down a quart or so, so I added two of the three quarts. She has had a slow oil leak for awhile in her car that's why I thought it might be the oil. I tried starting the car back up about a minute later, and the same thing happened. So I called our Motor Club, Allstate and after explaining the problem and where we were, twelve minutes later they said a tow truck would be there within the hour.

In the mean time, my daughter and I waited for the tow, while the Mrs finished up her work. She called and said she was on her way back to the car. Which was about two miles away. Fortunately for her a co-worker noticed her and the boy walking, and give them a lift to the car.

An hour passes, no tow truck. An hour fifteen minutes passes, no truck. Finally at 1700, (I arrived at 1530 and called Allstate at 1540), I called the tow truck driver and asked him how long he will be, he said 15-20 minutes. Well it was very warm yesterday, the kids were getting antsy, and the Mrs and I were starting to get impatient. I decided to go to her car and start, what gave me that idea, I have no clue, but the car started right up. I let it run, for a few minutes, then took it for a spin around the block, with no problems. At 1730 the tow truck still hadn't shown up. We decided that if he didn't get there by 1745 that we were going to try our luck and drive the car home.

Finally at about 1740, he shows up. We explain the problem, and my solution. He concurred with me that he thought the car would be okay to drive home. I drove the car home, and the Mrs drove mine. Made it home with no problems

When I got home, I added the extra oil that I bought, plus some oil treatment to try and slow down and or stop the leak. Hopefully that will resolve the problem. I will keep tabs on the car and oil problem, and have it looked at if it continues to be a problem.

So, that was my restful afternoon


Hard To Believe

That my kids are now 11 and 8. Seems just like yesterday that we were bringing them home. Boy(and girl) how time does fly


22 April, 2007

The PS2

Went over great. The only thing I didn't do, was get my daughter a game. She was upset, but when we explained to her that we didn't know what to get her, and that we planned on taking her out today and getting here whatever she wanted, she was cool with that.

There are actually a few games that I'd like to get. Madden 2007, the Medal of Honor games, and some Need to Speed.

We belong to blockbuster, so I plan on renting some games before I buy them.

This will be a gift we should get a lot of enjoyment out of.

This morning I made a nice breakfast for everyone, and we plan on having a nice dinner tonight. Tomorrow is their actual birthday, and we will have cake then


21 April, 2007

A Saturday Home

I decided not to work this Saturday, the decision was made easier, because my Mrs is working today. We have a few things to do. My son has first communion practice in a little bit, which will tie us up for an hour. Mass tonight. Other than that, our day is wide open. I plan to lounge on the patio as much as possible as the temperatures are going to be close to 70.

Nice that spring have finally come.


20 April, 2007

Here Comes The Sun

After a couple of weeks of lousy rainy, and winter like weather we finally have some spring like temperatures and most importantly, sun. Right now its 69° and beautiful. I have the windows open, the heat is off (and its staying off this time). I am about to go sit out on my patio and do absolutely nothing for the rest of the day.

Hopefully spring has sprung for good.


Birthday Shopping

After I leave the office today I am off to the store to pickup a PS2 for my loving children who will be celebrating their 11th and 8th birthday's respectively. Yes they were born on the same day three years apart.

This should be a neat gift. I kind of always wanted one, but never really pursued it. I am sure its a gift will we all get good use out of


19 April, 2007

Faster Than A Speeding Governor

Word from New Jersey this, is that the State Trooper who was driving 91 MPH when the SUV he was driving with an unbuckled Governor Corzine was within his authority to do so.

I am still having trouble grasping why it was necessary to got that fast, with his emergency lights on, to get to a meeting. It was not an emergency nor was it necessary to drive at that excessive of a speed. I don't care if the trooper had the leeway to do so, it is unacceptable and inexcusable to operate a vehicle at that speed, especially in a non-emergency situation.

Governor Corzine was seriously injured in the accident, and is currently on a ventilator. I wonder if he will be cited for not wearing his seat belt. Not that a $40.00 fine will put a dent in his wallet, but its a state law in New Jersey to wear your seat belt, and as the State's chief executive and head law enforcement official, it does not set a good example.

It was pure luck that no one was killed.

No one is above the law. I hope the Governors of all the states learn something from this, or at least buckle up.


Thoughts on The Duke Lacrosse Debacle

Interesting how the black community and the leaders and professors at Duke University who were vilifying and had already convicted the members of the lacrosse team are silent in the wake of all charges being dropped. In the wake of all this, a top coach was forced to quit, and had trouble finding work.

Jesse Jackson et. al, (who never miss an opportunity for a sound bite) were quick to show their support for the supposed victim, who as you know by now has changed her story, and made this a race issue. Topped off by a DA with a political agenda

Now three young men, will always have the charges hanging over their heads, even though they turned out to be baseless, people will always associate them with the allegations.

No one has apologized to these young men. The black community is of course silent, you would think in the wake of the Imus debacle that, blacks would step up and say, hey we were wrong, we're sorry that we jumped the gun, without having all the facts.

It seems a double standard exists in the black community. The race card still gets played when its convenient, and when it turns out to be a fabrication, or bullshit, hardly anyone step's up and says hey we were wrong, we jumped the gun. Its all about face time, sound bytes, and pushing agendas. Not letting the justice system do its jump...of course in this case, a renegade DA wouldn't allow it.

Here are some suggestions:
  • I think all the professors and leaders at Duke, who spoke out against these young men, recant their statements, and apologize publicly. I'm not talking a bullshit statement read by some talking head. I'd like a sincere public apology.
  • All those in the black community who so quickly played the race card, offer up an apology as well
  • The Duke president should do the same as well, and even though the coach was fired/resigned in the wake, the coach deserves the same consideration as his players. How about the Duke president resign, afterall he fired a coach, with a good reputation, and character.
  • The young lady who made these allegations should have her name made public. Since the charges were unfounded, there is no longer a reason for her identity to be protected. She needs to be held accountable for her action, and show some remorse for the damage she has done

These young men and the coach deserve at least an apology. Whether they get one, remains to be seen.


18 April, 2007

After A Day Off

because my son was sick, I am back to work, bright and early 0530. He is almost eight years old, so he is pretty easy to deal with. He was feeling pretty good for the most part, as he was playing with his matchbox cars most of the day and pretending they were NASCAR drivers. It was quite interesting just listening to him and his imagination at work.

While he was doing that, I just lounged around the house, played free cell, rode my bike and just took it easy. Which was kind of nice since I have been working so much lately.

It was fun while it lasted


17 April, 2007

Somewhat Handy

This past Saturday, after having had the problem for month's, In donned my plumber's hat (I don't have a hat per Se) and a pair of vice grips to resolve a problem with our bathroom's sink. Back in December, my lovely bride dropped a piece to her nebulizer down the drain. Over the month's the sink had begun to empty slower and slower, indicating that the piece hadn't worked its way through the pipe and was in fact wedged in there.

I talked to a buddy of mine, and was going to see if I could get a hold of a snake to help me remove it. He suggested that I remove the trap, because that is where the piece was probably stuck anyway.

On a whim, and after working in the office all morning, I grabbed the vice grips, slowly and painstakingly removed the trap, which was quite a task in and of itself. After I got the trap off, I saw nothing in it, I reached up into the upper part of the pipe, and there it was, the piece to the nebulizer, wedged nicely into up drain. A little poke of my index finger and the piece came right out and as a bonus, a bunch of grime and slime.

It took a little work to get the trap back on and secured, but once secured, I ran a test and the sink emptied with no problems, and the trap did not leak. The latter being my biggest concern.

I have never been real good at plumbing related issues, save for replacing parts in a toilet, because of the fear of causing a major floor, and lack of experience. So I was pretty impressed that this minor job went through without any real problems.

As the Mrs said a long time ago, I am somewhat handy around the house.


Thoughts On Virginia Tech Shootings

How horrible it was to see this story develop throughout the day. I get breaking news alerts from ABC and each subsequent email was worse and worse.

They have identified the shooter, and he is among the dead. I am sure more will come out in the next few days about his motive and/or intention.

Its sad that so many innocent people were killed and injured by a young man who was obviously not in a stable frame of mind.

Also I am interested in seeing and hearing how the politicians spin this, and who the blame is going to fall on. Apparently a receipt for the handgun was found in the shooters backpack. According to reports that I read, he was 23 years old, and of South Korean decent.

My heart goes out to all the victims and their families, in this senseless tragedy


16 April, 2007

Happy Birthday

To His Eminence Pope Benedict XVI, who turned 80 today. May God continue to bless him with good health as he leads the Catholic faithful with the same vigor as his predecessor.
The folks on this side of the pond send our best wishes, and prayers

The Rain Has Stopped

but its VERY windy, temperatures over the next few days are supposed to be in the lower to mid 50's , still not spring like, but the long range forecast looks good, with temperatures inching over the 60° mark.

Still weird to think that we actually had snow, in mid April. I believe that was the latest we have ever had snow in this area.

The ride home was uneventful, a little drizzle, but otherwise boring as usual.

We should have plenty of May flowers now. I know my grass is really green


With The Lousy Weather

Almost everyone in the department has taken the day off. A couple of them can't make it in because the trains aren't running, one is legitimately sick, and the others just aren't coming in. Its just me and my boss so far. So its going to be like a Saturday in here today. Which is fine with me as I have a lot of work to do, and with all the people out, I will be able to concentrate better.

I am sure a lot of the rest of the building will be quiet as they will probably stay home as well, or work from home


The Calendar Says April

but outside its looks like its mid-winter. Yesterday it rained (poured) all day and we had heavy winds all day. I went out the door this morning, I moved my car from the garage to the street so the Mrs could park in the garage as she went food shopping yesterday. So normally my car would be nice and dry. When I got to my car this morning there was wet snow on it and the roads. It was so heavy that I had clean the windows off with my scraper just so the wipers would.

The drive in was uneventful. I got slimmed by other cars, and I did the same to them. It was slow but I got to the office unscathed.

One bad things, is that I am parked on the roof at the parking garage, so my car we be nice and crappy by the time I leave eleven hours from now.

A lot of folks are staying home today, as the trains aren't running.

It supposed to clear up toward the latter part of the day, and real spring like temperatures are to be with us by the weekend.

We should have plenty of May flowers after this April shower


15 April, 2007

Guess I needed the sleep

All of these early work days that I have been doing (0530ish) must have caught up to me. Last night I went to bed at 2300, and got out of bed at 1158 this morning. I haven't slept that long in awhile.

Heck seven hours is normally a lot for me. I woke up a few times, but managed to get back to sleep.

Didn't do to much today, finished up some laundry, rode my bike, went to the deli, and played a lot of free cell. It was nice to relax today. As its back to grindstone tomorrow morning.


14 April, 2007

I missed it yesterday

But for all the triskaidekaphobic's out there, its usually a day of bad luck. I have never been one to make a big deal out of out Friday the 13th, (for the record our cat is orange, and he walks in front me all the time, only tripping me some of the time). Also I'd have to say that I have my share of good and bad luck, I don't need a certain day number to fall on a certain day of the week for my luck to bad or good.

Yesterday was a good day. I worked a ½ day, grabbed a bite to eat, and managed a little snooze before I had to pick up the kiddies at the bus stop. Then we had softball practice...and its still in the 40's, it is supposed to be spring, the calendar says so, and the damn groundhog did as well. Had take out and went to bed early.

So I would say that yesterday was nothing but good, no bad luck here...they are for the other day's of the year


13 April, 2007

On Coaching Girls

As I have blogged about last week, I am an assistant coach for my daughter's softball team (ages 7-10). We had our second practice tonight. Its really funny to see the girls with pink helmet, bats, and even gloves. Even funnier is seeing the girls with nail polish on. The batting helmets are a riot, they have a hole in the back so the girls can put their hair through, if its long enough for a pony tail.

Coaching girls is a unique experience, they definitely aren't as tough as boys when it comes to the bumps and bangs that come with ball related sports. Earlier in the week, I was pitching to one of the girls, and I accidentally hit her on the hand. It took her about five seconds before she started crying. Of course it makes me feel bad, although it was unintentional, you still feel bad.

I think girls are easier to coach as they tend to listen more than the boys I have coached in the past. One habit that is hard to try to get them out of is listening to their parents try and coach them from the sidelines. I have always told the girls that when they are on the field that its okay to only listen to the coaches and not their parents. It tends to confuse them if they are being told different things. Its one thing that has annoyed me about coaching is some of the parents coaching from the sidelines.

My own personal rule is to coach when I coach, and be a parent when I am watching. If I see something that one of my own kid's is doing wrong or can be done differently, I will tell them afterwards, but ultimately I let them be coached by their coach.

Its going to be a fun season, I have a lot of girls with talent, and a few rookies, so it will be neat to see them develop into real players.


12 April, 2007

A Rough Start

I knew it was going to be a long day, when I spilled 24 ounces of DD coffee on me, mostly on my pants. That was 0530 this morning. I couldn't go home, as I had just gotten to the office. I had put my coffee on the roof of my car, and was getting my stuff out of the backseat. I put the coffee on the roof, and it slid right down on top of me. Fortunately for me, it was about fifteen minutes old, so it wasn't that hot. I got into to the office, washed my hands off, wiped down my pants as best I could, but I still smell like coffee. I should also mention that it was and is raining.

I feel like a jackass but, hey stuff happens.

The day is going pretty quick so far, as I am very busy.

Hopefully my day goes better.


11 April, 2007

That Was Easy

I managed to get a hold of one of these little gadgets, and its sitting right on my desk in the office. When you press the easy button, its says, That Was Easy. If you go to the Staples® it turns out that for everyone of these that you buy, Staples will donate all proceeds from their sales up to a million dollars to the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. Not a bad deal. Also you can download an application from their website that when you click it, you go right to the Staples website.
I like silly gadgets like this, every once in awhile, I will press it just for a laugh or three. I even have a talking donkey from the movie Shrek®. When you press his stomach he says a phrase from the second movie.
Anything to make the day go faster, and have a little fun

10 April, 2007

The Spring Sports Season

Well its that time of year again, softball and baseball for the kids. This year, the kids are playing for the Glenolden Youth Club. We decided to have them play there this year because of the lack of teams in our local town. I decided to help coach the girls team this year, its really good to be back on the field again coaching, its something that I really enjoy. Although last night, the first practice, what I was thinking, I had no idea, but I went to practice with what I had on earlier in the day from being at the office, casual shoes, and khaki pants. My shoes are still a little dusty from being on the field.

It looks as if we will be spending at least four nights a week at the fields, possibly five. The boys will be Tuesday and Thursday and the girls, Monday, Wednesday, and possibly Friday. It always a tough time of year for us, getting homework done, getting to practice/games, and getting dinner. Usually we end running out as I get home, which is around 1715. It makes for a long day for all of us.

This will be the boy's first year in baseball, he has played teeball for the last three years. He is a little nervous about actually facing a pitcher (at his level its a pitching machine), but he should do fine. Also this will be his first time actually playing competitive. In the past years, they have never had enough for games, just would hit and field the ball amongst themselves. He has played soccer, so he has played in competitive leagues before, but this will be his first time playing baseball for real.

The kids are excited, although they understand that this is a busy time, and things still need to get done.


09 April, 2007

Bachelor Party

The other morning while riding my bike, I was flipping through the channels and came upon a classic Tom Hanks movie, Bachelor Party. I remember watching this movie when it was on cable in the mid 80's. It was as funny now as it was then. I'm going to have to get this on DVD, just so I can revisit my younger days, and have some great laughs

Interesting, the clothing and hair style of those days.

For the record, my own bachelor party was no where near as crazy as Tom Hanks character


Now That Lent Is Over

I can finally drink soda. Although, I admit I did have one small glass at on office function, (about eight ounces), that was the only slip I had. Yesterday, I drank more than usual, I guess because I missed it so much.

I don't drink much soda anyway, I prefer water, and diet decaf iced tea, but I usually have a soda with lunch.

Anyhow, this was the best I ever did with a Lenten sacrifice, and yes it was tough sometimes, especially when going out to eat, but I managed to do well.

We had a very nice Easter, went to the 1130 mass, then to my brothers house, and had a real nice time.

Nice day spent with the family


08 April, 2007

Happy Easter

From My family to, I wish everyone a blessed Easter. 
Joy to the World, The Lord Has Come

07 April, 2007

Another Saturday In The Office

Well here it is another Saturday morning, and I am in the office. I plan on staying until noon. We are still real busy, and it doesn't help that we are short one person due to them being on parental leave. Hopefully I will get a lot done this morning. That will give me a good head start on my work for next week


06 April, 2007

Classic Work Time Killing

Long before the Internet was the way to pass time at work, the great work time killer was solitaire and free cell. Personally free cell was always my favorite. I actually still play it a lot at home, and at work (during lunch). Its a very addicting game. My personal best winning streak is 13. At home, I am about 67%, but the Mrs plays too. At the office I am around 77% wins.

I wonder how people goofed off prior to computers.


Good Friday

This used to be a holiday for us, but now its available to us as a floating holiday, which is kind of cool. At least will still get to work a ½ day. The Mrs is working today, and I am going to work a ½ day tomorrow.

Its still cold here, and the heat is still on, but I turned it down.

Lest we forget about what this day is really about though, as Jesus died for our sins on this day.

Its a day of fast and abstinence, which means only one full meal, and no meat, the final no meat Friday until next year


05 April, 2007

Favorite Long Songs

Here is a list of my favorite long songs, in no particular order. To qualify as a long song, it has to be over seven minutes

Interesting, that not too many bands make long songs anymore...gotta love the classics:
  • Thick As A Brick (one of Jethro Tull's best)
  • Suite Judy Blue Eyes, Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young
  • Voodoo Chile, Stevie Ray Vaughan (from the box set)
  • Mountain Jam, The Allman Brothers Band, (Both the the Eat a Peach and Ludlow Garage Versions)
  • Stranglehold, Ted Nugent
  • Slow Ride, Foghat
  • Green Grass and High Tides, Outlaws
  • Free Bird, Lynard Skynyrd
  • Vicarious, Tool (a great song that is only a year or so old)
  • In Memory of Elizabeth Reed, The Allman Brothers Band (Fillmore East)
  • Do You Feel Like I Do, Peter Frampton
  • Onda, Los Lonely Boys
  • Stairway to Heaven, Led Zep
  • Layla, Derek and The Dominos
  • One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer, George Thorogood
  • The Core, Eric Clapton
  • I'm A Man, Chicago
  • Beginnings, Chicago

I have seen the Allman Brothers live four times, and they are the king of the jam, so that explains why they are on the list so much.

Some great tunes there, I am sure I missed a few, but these are all in my collection


The Heat Is On

But not by my choosing. The Mrs was cold and the temperatures have been in the 30-40's, so the heat is back on albeit temporarily.

Damn I thought spring has sprung


04 April, 2007

Britain Versus Iran (Update)

It was announced earlier today that the British Sailors will be released (pardoned) today by the Iranian government. I wonder what went on behind the scenes to broker their release. Anyway, at least they are going to be released, unharmed.


03 April, 2007

Congrat's To The Gators

On winning their second NCAA tournament in as many years. The first team to repeat since Duke did in1992, and the first to do so with the same starting five as the prior year. The latter being a remarkable feat especially with the expedience of college players jumping to the big money of the NBA.
I watched most of the first half and Florida seemed to own the Buckeyes. I was unable to stay awake for the second half.
With the Florida win, I won my tournament bracket with a total of 44 wins, and 157 points (of a possible192).
Must be tough being a Buckeyes fan. Not only did the lose the basketball game to Florida, THE Buckeyes lost to the Gators in the football BCS.
and another the emphasis on THE when OSU is said has to be the most annoying thing ever.
after being owned by Florida twice in four months, perhaps they should drop the THE.

02 April, 2007

Action Not Words

The city of brotherly love posted its 104th homicide this past weekend, and the did it ahead of last years rate. It took until April 14th last year to reach 100 murders.

I think this city could use a little bit of the late Frank Rizzo's tactics. Sure him and his boys and blue were a little on the rough side, and my have violated a few rights or two, but this city wasn't nearly as dangerous. If he was in command, I am sure he would have a better handle on things than the current administration. Which seems on talking tough, but not doing anything about it.

The black community needs to step here as well, as most of the victims are black, also a lot of witnesses aren't coming forward for fear of reprisal against them. Therefore, killers remain on the street, free to kill at will, without fear of arrest or consequences.

If this trend keeps up there will be no one left to vote in this year's mayoral election.


A Different Look At Numbers (Update)

I sent this blog entry to the Philadelphia Inquirer's letter to the editor department the day I posted it to my blog. I received a response back that they wished to publish my letter, and it would appear in 7-10 days. So far it has not been published. I was hoping that it would, as I felt I made some valid points, which are being grossly overlooked by the mainstream media.

Oh well, to anyone who read's my blog, the numbers speak for themselves.


Just Keeps Getting Better and Better

Carroll Shelby and Ford are teaming up to build the Shelby Cobra KR(King of the Road). The car which will have a 5.4 liter turbocharged V8 producing 540 horsepower.
Only a thousand are going to be built. I am sure most of which will end up in the hands of collectors and the chance of actually seeing one on the road will be rare.
Carroll Shelby seems to be out doing himself again and again.

Thoughts on Toll Jersey

For the second weekend in a row, we were in the toll capitol of the world, New Jersey. The state that is free to get into, but you have to pay to get out of (no tolls on the bridges going in, but you pay going back into Philly). Some observations:
  • Gas is 20¢ cheaper per gallon than it is here in PA, and they pump it for you
  • There are almost no hills, at least in the parts of New Jersey that I have been in, which is mostly the Southern part, near the shore points. Which for a cyclist like me, is great, you can really stretch the legs out and get some good rides at speed
  • The prices for food and beverages at the rest stops are almost as bad as you pay at a stadium.
  • Almost every road as some sort of route number
  • It has some very nice and affordable homes
  • Its close to Philly but not in Philly

All that being said, I think it would be a nice state to live in. Although I have lived my whole life here in PA, NJ is definitely a state that I would move to.


01 April, 2007

Who Is The Environmentalist?

Found to be true by Snopes®

Gore's mansion, located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville, consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Nashville Electric Service (NES).

In his documentary, the former Vice President calls on Americans to conserve energy by reducing electricity consumption at home.

The average household in America consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, according to the Department of Energy. In 2006, Gore devoured nearly 221,000 kWh--more than 20 times the national average.

Last August alone, Gore burned through 22,619 kWh--guzzling more than twice the electricity in one month than an average American family uses in an entire year. As a result of his energy consumption, Gore's average monthly electric bill topped $1,359.

Since the release of An Inconvenient Truth, Gore's energy consumption has increased from an average of 16,200 kWh per month in 2005, to 18,400 kWh per month in 2006.

Gore's extravagant energy use does not stop at his electric bill. Natural gas bills for Gore's mansion and guest house averaged $1,080 per month last year.

"As the spokesman of choice for the global warming movement, Al Gore has to be willing to walk the walk, not just talk the talk, when it comes to home energy use," said Tennessee Center for Policy Research President Drew Johnson.

In total, Gore paid nearly $30,000 in combined electricity and natural gas bills for his Nashville estate in 2006.

The 4,000-square-foot house is a model of environmental rectitude

Geothermal heat pumps located in a central closet circulate water through pipes buried 300 feet deep in the ground where the temperature is a constant 67 degrees; the water heats the house in the winter and cools it in the summer. Systems such as the one in this "eco-friendly" dwelling use about 25% of the electricity that traditional heating and cooling systems utilize.

A 25,000-gallon underground cistern collects rainwater gathered from roof runs; waste water from sinks, toilets and showers goes into underground purifying tanks and is also funneled into the cistern. The water from the cistern is used to irrigate the landscaping surrounding the four-bedroom home. Plants and flowers native to the high prairie area blend the structure into the surrounding ecosystem.

No, this is not the home of some eccentrically wealthy eco-freak trying to shame his fellow citizens into following the pristineness of his self-righteous example. And no, it is not the wilderness retreat of the Sierra Club or the Natural Resources Defense Council, a haven where tree-huggers plot political strategy.

This is President George W. Bush's "Texas White House" outside the small town of Crawford.

Who is the hypocrite now?


NCAA Tournament

Well for a guy who didn't watch much college basketball this year, I am doing really well in my bracket. I had 3 of 4 final four teams, and I have both teams playing in the championship Monday night. I picked Florida, and if they win, I win the contest with the group I am. Currently I am in first place, with 43 wins, the guy in second place has more wins (49), but I am winning on points because of the graduated scoring system that we use that gives you more points for wins in the later rounds. He picked OSU to win, and I have Florida, so whichever team wins, that person will win the battle of the brackets this year.

I usually do pretty well in my bracket selection, but I don't think I have done this well. I have won an office pool many years back, and that was great. That was the year the UNLV was undefeated and everyone selected them to win, and I picked Duke (which has always been one of my favorite programs) and I won that year. I think my take was $50.00.

The one I am doing with my friends, is in a Yahoo group, and its just for bragging rights.

Go Gators!
