08 May, 2007

Self Evaluation Time

My annual performance review is coming up June 4th and part of the process is doing a self evaluation. The questions are fairly simple:
  1. List your accomplishments and goals since your last performance review
  2. What goals, if any do you feel you have not met, and why?
  3. List three to five things you hope to achieve during the next review period. What resources do you need from your supervisor/company to achieve these goals
  4. What can [the company] do to improve our processes and environment

Number 2 is generally the easiest to fill out. Number 1, requires some thought, since I am reviewing a whole year. Number 3, is one that I usually put a lot of thought into, and I generally do that part last. Number 4, is where I ask for stuff that I hope to get, in the hopes that it may happen. Occasionally I will offer constructive feedback on policies and procedures.

I always take a couple of days to fill it out (I have three weeks), then I look it over, prior to turning it in. Its always typed out, and I keep a copy for myself.

These are always tough to do. I find that I tend to be harder on myself, than my boss is.

I am just about finished, I need to fine tune a few things, then I will submit, probably by the end of the week.


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