15 May, 2007

Primary Election Day

Here in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Its an off year election so voter turnout will suck more than usual, I would bet its around 30-35%. Locally the big race is the Philadelphia Mayor's race. Although I can't vote in it, I do work in the city, so I have some interest in it. Otherwise, the elections in my town are for council, and some judgeship's. The latter which I really have no idea, and will probably ask one of the local council people at my polling place how to vote.

In my over twenty years of eligibility to vote, I have only missed one election, primary and general, and that was because of the birth of my daughter.

No matter what, I get to the poll's, its always been my motto, if you don't vote, don't bitch...unfortunately, IMHO, those who bitch the most, are probably the one's who don't vote.


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