26 November, 2006

Michael Richards Comments

Two of the men who were the apparent targets of Kramer's racial tirade a few weeks ago have hired a high powered attorney, Gloria Allred and want to sit down and discuss man to man, the comments. Richards is supposed to appear with the never camera shy Jesse Jackson today and have a little chat with him, and another not so camera shy big mouth, Al Sharpton, says Richards apology is not enough.

Sure what Richards said was despicable and unacceptable in the 21st century. The guy obviously has some issues, and needs to come out and sincerely apologize for what he said, it would be the right thing to do, but Jackson and Sharpton are going to keep pushing and pushing this until, Richards forks over some cash.

Whatever chance Richards had of getting work now, is probably over, at least for a little while until this whole thing blows over, which I am sure it will, but as with all things in this country, it will forever be attached to him, no matter what he says, how much he pays, or what he does

Was it free speech, sure (as much as it bothered me), was it right what Richards said, absolutely not.

But its nothing that a couple of million dollars can't make amends for.

Only in America.



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