An open letter to all candidates of all parties:
Congratulations to those who were reelected and newly elected. The people of this great Commonwealth and Nation have spoken.
Although I am a registered republican, I historically vote across party line, and have on occasion voted for a third party. This election was no different. I am a 38 year old suburban Philadelphia resident who has voted in every general election, and I have only missed one primary election in my 20 years of eligibility. I consider it my civic duty to cast my vote, my voice, each and every election no matter what year it is. I choose my candidates based on my own research, and whether or not I feel they will best represent me, and my family, locally, nationally, or at the state level. What party they are running for has no impact on my decision.
What I am frustrated with the whole election process is the personal and negative attacks that are volleyed at opposing candidates, from each other and from the national parties. Just once, I would like to see/hear/read a, TVradio ad, an email, a mailer that tells me what issues the candidate supports or opposes. I don't want to see or hear what their opponent does/doesn't support, who is supporting them, who they are endorsed by. To me, its all about the issues. That's all. Negative ad's make no difference to me, and depending on the ad, can steer me away from the candidate doing the attacking.
One final thought. One thing it seems to me that those elected to office seem to forget is that they represent the voters of their district, state, nation, not the national party to which they belong. Just remember, you answer to your constituents first, not the national/local party. This nation is a government of the people, for the people, and by the people. We are the reason you are where you are, you serve at our pleasure.
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