14 November, 2006

Thank You Congressman Weldon

A quick thank you to outgoing Pennsylvania Seventh District member of the United States House of Representatives, Curt Weldon. Mr. Weldon served this area very well, throughout out his twenty years in the House. He was especially good to the firefighters of this country, particularly the volunteer company's in this district. As a 20 year member of a volunteer fire company, I appreciate all that Mr. Weldon has done, and the appearances he has made at the various fire service events over the years. Congressman Weldon also helped keep a lot of highly skilled defense jobs at the local Boeing plant.

Good luck Mr. Weldon in whatever you do. Your service to the residents of this area may be over, but it certainly won't be forgotten.

I hope incoming Congressman Sestak is as good to the firefighters, and the all the citizens of this area as Mr. Weldon was. You have big shoes to fill Mr. Sestak, remember you represent the residents of southeastern Pennsylvania first, not the Democratic Party.


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