15 November, 2006

The Race For President 2008

It comes as no surprise that only a few days after the elections of 2006 that talk of 2008 Presidential race has begun. So far Rudy Giuliani has formed an exploratory committee, and John McCain is talking things over with his family. That is actually a ticket I'd like to see. Giuliani for President and McCain as VP. John McCain is 70 years old now and would be 72 by the time the election comes around. The great Ronald Reagan was 69 when he was elected, and served this country with distinction for eight years.

Both McCain and Giuliani would be good for this country. Giuliani best known for his eight years as mayor of New York City, and being a calming voice after the 9/11 tragedy. McCain has an impeccable war record, and no one in this country could date question his service to this country. Having served over five years in POW camp during Vietnam. Senator McCain is a son and grandson of four star Admirals. His dad, was CINCPAC during Vietnam, and his grandfather was in charge of carriers in the Pacific theatre during WWII.

I have read books written by these two men, Giuliani's Leadership and McCain's Faith of My Fathers both were excellent books, and are shelved in my office. I supported Senator McCain in 2000 when he first ran and was disappointed when he withdrew.

I am sure we will start seeing more names pop up, probably after the holidays this year. I am sure the GOP would like some more conservative candidates than McCain and Giuliani. The GOP got their asses beat in the election of 2006, and I think they are going to have a hard time hanging on to the white house in 2008 if they don't right the ship.

Should be an interesting next couple of years, stay tuned, the fun is just beginning.


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