07 November, 2006

Election 2006

Well today is the day. All the millions of dollars spent on TV, Mail, and Emails now its time for the voters to put up.

I for one, will be glad when today is over. No more phone calls, attack ad's, emails begging for money.

I can see how people get so turned off with the whole election process, the candidates are too busy attacking each other, and forgetting about the issues that the voters (their bosses) care about. As this blogger has previously posted about
I am sick of these ad's, phone call's, etc.

It always amazes me how low the voter turnout is in this country. I am sure this election
will be around 40-45%. That is a disgrace. It takes so little time to vote, yet so a majority of those eligible do not exercise the right. It is this blogger's opinion that those who don't vote, are probably the one's who complain the most about the system.

I will vote after I leave the office tonight. Since I have been eligible, I have only missed one election, and that was a primary in 1996. The only reason was the birth of our first daughter. I have always made the time to vote, no matter what the year. My vote is my voice, and its also my right

A word to the wise, If you don't vote, don't bitch


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