Fluffy, our big boned three year old cat, has a nasty cut on his left hind leg. We took him to the vet last week, and after forking over 122 bucks, were are able to treat him here at home...Here is what we need to do.
I feel really bad for him, he puts a pretty good fight when we first put his paw in the solution, but after about a minute he gives up. Then we dry him off and put the cream on his foot. Then I get some tuna out of the fridge, mash up his antibiotic and mix it altogether (little does the Fluff know about this trick).
He is being a pretty good sport through all this, he does look a little down though, so I am giving him extra attention, and we bought him some catnip. He also seems to be adjusting to not being allowed out. Honestly I don't think he wants to be seen by the other cat's in the hood with the e-collar on.
As hard as all this is on him, I know we are doing the right thing for him, and his foot is staring to look better. He is getting some nasty scratches on me despite him not having front claws, he manages to maneuver his back one's around, as the scratches on my arm are evidence of.A few things that I learned:
- Always wear long pants
- Always wear long sleeves
- The soaking the foot process is best done on the floor
- Give him his pain medicine about 15 minutes before hand, it mellows him out and he is easier to handle
- Having a helper is good, if anything to pet him to keep him calm
- Last but not least, no amount of narcotics will make a cat like water, ever.
The picture above was taken a few nights ago, as you can see by his expression he is not a happy kitty.
Hope you get better soon Fluff, you're being a good sport so far, only nine more days