06 October, 2006

Politics as usual

Well its been almost a week since the Mark Foley thing broke, and as usual, both sides of the aisle are coming out swinging. For me all this does is further discourage me and the whole process. Why does almost every single thing that happens in this country have to be politicized. Its a wonder anything gets accomplished with all the back room BS, money changing hands, finger pointing, and typical political crap that goes on. Throw a camera into the mix and it gets ten times as bad. To top it all off, its an election year, so these fine folks who want to keep their jobs are saying and doing anything to accomplish it. News flash, negative ads do not work, at least for me. Tell me what you've done, what you want to do, that is what I am interested in.

Maybe after this election cycle is over, I will change party's, and become an independent. Both party's are so out of touch with the electorate. I am sick and tired of both of their dirty tricks, politics, and lack of foresight.

and so it goes


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