01 October, 2006

Movie Review: Invincible (2006)

Summary: When part time bartender and full time Eagles fan Vince Papale tries out for the team during an open call, he makes the team in a complete twist of fate. Invincible is a story of Papale's career with the Eagles and his personal struggles and triumphs.

summary from IMDB

We all saw this last night, having lived in the Philadelphia area all of my life, I knew the Vince Papale story very well. In fact he grew up about a ½ mile from where I lived most of my life. The movie accurately captures and portrays the love and passion the Philly folks have for the Eagles.

Its always neat seeing a movie that is made in your home town, and about a story you know a lot about. The producers did a great job recreating 1970's Philadelphia, and even Vet stadium, which was blown up in 2004

Even my daughter the non-football fan really enjoyed the movie. We are definitely getting this on DVD. Its a great movie that the entire family can watch, very little language, or sexual content. You walk out that inspired and awed.


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