18 October, 2007

Brothers In Battle, Best Of Friends

I just finished reading this book last night. Its written by two of the original Band of Brothers, Wild Bill Guarnere and Edward Babe Heffron. Both of these men are featured in the HBO miniseries and the book of the same title that was written by Stephen Ambrose. It gives their first person actual accounts of the actions during World War II. Having seen both the HBO series and read the book, I knew the story of E Company, but this books takes it to the next level. It gives you a first person perspective, that can only be told by people that were actually there in battle, not by an author, albeit a well respected one or an embellished Hollywood version.

If you saw the miniseries and/or read the book, definitely pick up this book and read their chronicles. They will have you laughing, and crying.

Babe and Bill grew up blocks from each other, here in Philadelphia, yet never met until 1944, and since have been best friends.

Tom Hanks, wrote the introduction, and afterwards were written by Robin Laing and Frank John Hughes who portrayed Babe Heffron and Wild Bill Guarnere respectively in the miniseries, were very well written, and are true testaments to the men they portrayed.

Their stories are very humbling and marginalize the true spirit of what we call the greatest generation, when ordinary people achieved extraordinary things, without question, politics, and bias. They did their job, most came home, some never did and their sacrifices should never be forgotten.

Babe and Bill are reminders of why we should be proud to be Americans, and that we should never ever forget our Veterans.


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