03 September, 2008

Thoughts On Back To School

Well it's that time of year, back to school. My kid's went back today, started with a ½ day, and the remainder of the week is full days. The Mrs. started back yesterday.

This was the first time since my kids have been in school, that I was home to see them off. The sentimentality of the first day of school has long worn off for them since they now each in seventh and fourth grade (hard to believe the former)

It was actually nice, to have the house to myself, so I could truly relax and get the rest I so truly need. I didn't have PT today, but on days that I don't have it, save for Sunday's, I have a PT approved program that I do here at home. So I went through that routine early this morning, then spent the rest of the morning watching mindless action movies until the kid's came home from school. I took them out to lunch as a little treat.

Rewind to yesterday, when I got the distinct honor of taking the kiddies school supply shopping. Our day began around 1000 as we headed out to our first of many stops, Wal-Mart. We spent nearly an hour getting most of the copy books, folders, pens, pencils, rulers, tape, glue, crayons, and lord knows what else. After stuffing our cart with those supplies we ventured over to the backpack section to choose the schoolbag and lunch boxes. The boy took about 8.5 seconds to pick out both of his (now he is my kinda of shopper). The girl on the other hand, spent 10-15 minutes looking through the different types and styles, and could find nothing that met her style needs. So I decided to put an end to the madness and told the girl that we could go somewhere else (Kohl's) to find something more her style. So after this utter torture we venture over to the check out, and end the first of what would be many store visits that day.

On the way over to Kohl's, we happen upon a Staples, where I suggested we stop in and see if they have the marble copy books...Wal-Mart was out. Fortunately Staples did have said items, and we in and out in ten minutes.

Now onto Kohl's. We get there, and of course the girl is in heaven, as the backpacks, just happen to be located in the section of the store that has her sizes. I kept reminding her that we are here for a schoolbag, not wardrobe (they wear uniforms, so no additional clothes were necessary, at least according to me). Once she finally settled on her schoolbag it was time for her to choose a lunch box. Kohl's, had none that coordinated with her newly acquired schoolbag, so she decided that we needed to go to another store. I must add, that never in my years of school did I worry nor care if my lunch box matched my schoolbag, as an example of that, my boys choice of said items is a good example of the lack caring for coordination. As a reward to myself for enduring this school supply shopping adventure, I purchase a couple of Eagles t-shirts, since the one's I had are now rags. Total time in store, approximately 30 minutes.

Off to store #3, CVS, to see if they have a stylish, coordinated lunch box for the girl....thankfully they did, or she would have been brown bagging. Total time in store, about 15 minutes.

It was then off to the deli, to buy lunch meat for the week, a quick but necessary stop.

Thankfully and finally we headed home.

We carried all the bags upstairs...in one trip, had lunch, and then your's truly park his ass on the love seat, where it remained for most of the remaining part of the day.

Lesson's learned:
  • I have no fashion sense, according to my girl
  • School shopping is about as exciting as underwear shopping
  • The boy is like me, he sees what he wants, grabs and goes, no lurking, unlike the girl who says you need to look and shop.
  • He who has the debit card makes the rules
  • School supplies for girls in seventh grade need to coordinate.
  • Picking out a lunch box and school bags is one of the biggest decisions of the school year.
  • I still hate shopping, always have, always will.

So all in all in what a tiring day, only made worse by having PT at 1900, for an hour. Your's truly was a tired pup last night.

So the moral of the story, is that I am glad the kids are back in school, so now I can truly follow doctor's orders and rest and relax, which I intend to do.


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