17 December, 2006

The Christmas Tree

Is finally up. This year we decided to go with an artificial one, as they are less of a hassle, and easier to clean up. We found a real nice one at Wal-Mart for a pretty good price. We also picked up some more decorations and other goodies. It was a lot of fun.

Took us about 15 minutes to get it all together, and another ½ hour to get the lights on and decorations on. Of course the first decoration that went on was the Eagles logo that is near the top of the tree. We have amassed a lot of decorations over the years, especially from the kids, and its neat revisiting them every year, to see how their artistic talents have gotten better over the years.

Now the house looks a lot like Christmas. We still have some shopping to do, but the bulk of it is done.

Its good to be home


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