20 March, 2008

On Obama and Race

A lot is being said on the comments of Barack Obama's pastor Jeremiah Wright, and the fact that candidate Obama refuses to acknowledge, condemn, Reverend Wright's statements. Instead he chooses to spin it like any other candidate does.

He can come out and say all he wants about race relations in this country, but to he himself be associated with a man of the cloth who makes such outrageous comments like the does, and then for Obama to say, well I wasn't that for that sermon, or that wasn't what he says when I am there is just plain ludicrous. He must really think that most American's are idiots.

Of course the Obama supporters are spinning this their own way and most are drinking the same Kool Aid.

If Obama was smart, he would disassociate himself from Reverend Wright, condemn what he says, and most importantly leave that church altogether. He could restore some credibility to himself and his campaign.

Side note, I am not an Obama supporter, nor will I vote for him if he is the candidate. I just find it hysterical how he is allowing this whole situation implode on itself, and act as if nothing is wrong.

What's even funnier is the whole Democratic party imploding on itself. Their convention should be interesting to say the least.

In this blogger's humble opinion race is still an issue in this country only because those of color choose to make it that way.


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