08 March, 2008

Five Years (and one day) Ago

Hard to believe its been that long since I was diagnosed with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy a mitral valve regurgitation, and a week later, they found that I had a condition known as a myocardial bridge.

All three conditions subsequently changed my life then as I knew it. I had to give up a running career that I had so much enjoyed, and my EMS days abruptly ended as well, which was perhaps the most heartbreaking of all (no pun intended)

It took a few years, many hospitalizations, a defibrillator implant, a couple of different doctors, and lot's of different medication combinations, but for the last two years, things have been mostly stable with only two overnight hospitalizations.

I am due for a new defibrillator this year, probably over the summer.

It was very frustrating at first dealing with the symptoms, the unknown answers, and most of all the life changing events that I had to deal with. The toughest challenge of them all was dealing with emotional side of everything. The physical things, I could deal, but being so young and having to accept and go through these events, while still maintaining a career, and tending to a family was the toughest part of the diseases.

It took many years to finally accept and live with the heart conditions, and every since the doctors finally found the right medication combination that has helped stabilize everything and bring life to an even keel. I have for the most part maintained a regular exercise program, as well as do things on a physical that are reasonable

and although I was deal another blow, less than a year ago, with the MS diagnosis, I still try and maintain a positive outlook on life...at least on the outside.

I have many people to thank, a few close friends, but most of all, my loving family and beautiful wife. I would also be remiss, without thanking God for giving me the gift of life, and guiding me through these troubling times.



Anonymous said...

You never cease to be an inspiration with your courage and ability to maintain a positive attitude no matter what.

You ROCK dude, and I am proud to call you my friend.


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