Random thoughts on news, politics, sports, and life, from a forty something working stiff
27 March, 2008
My New Poll
I thought it would be an interesting poll question and would like to see how the readers think they compare.
Let's wait and see
25 March, 2008
New Cell Phones For All
Since I upgraded my phone, I got one for the Mrs and we caved and got one for our 11 year old. For them I got the Samsung SCH-u340. The Mrs is still getting used to text messaging. Our daughter had no problem getting the hang of it, and is getting quite good at it...gulp.
So everyone save for the boy has a new phone, and is enjoying it.
The decision to get our daughter a phone was one that we thought through for awhile. We will keep an eye on her usage especially the text messaging. Since she is getting older we felt it was a good time for her to have one, especially now that she is going out more. Hopefully she will be responsible with it. She did go through a period when she first got it that she was calling and texting everyone, which I expected her to do, but now the newness has worn off, and she is using it as we expect her to.
21 March, 2008
Philadelphia Auto Show 2008
The highlight of the show for me, was seeing the Mustang Bullitt, here is picture of the badge on the back of the car. This car is beautiful, and I was glad to actually see one in person, since there will only be a limited number produced, and it will probably be my only opportunity to see one up close and personal

and here is one with my BIL and the boy in front of one of the new Jeep's (he is a Jeep nut)
The highlight of the show was seeing the new Dodge Challenger which is set to go on sale later this year. The car was partitioned off, and this was as close as I could get to the car, but what a beauty it is. Dodge should have lots of success with this car once it goes on sale.
We spent about five hours walking through the various hall's and staring, gawking, drooling, etc at the car's that were on display. It was a fun day for the three of us. I took over seventy pictures, and was quite tired after all that walking. I always enjoy getting a chance to view the different cars, from the $13,000.00 Smart Car to the $250,000.00+ Lamborghini's, Ferrari's and Maserati's
I am befuddled as to why the automotive press ignores this show every year, and that the auto makers, don't make more of an effort to make this a bigger event. From what I hear, over 250,000 people visit this event every year. Philadelphia is a big market, and they day we were there, it was jam packed with people of all ages. Of course my usual complaint was the price of concessions, which is typical of any Philadelphia run event no matter what the venue. Why they charge so much for food, and drinks is beyond me. Aramark must have made a killing during the duration of the auto show
It was a nice day out, and for $10.00/person, you definitely get a bang for your buck.
pictures from my personal collection
20 March, 2008
On Obama and Race
He can come out and say all he wants about race relations in this country, but to he himself be associated with a man of the cloth who makes such outrageous comments like the does, and then for Obama to say, well I wasn't that for that sermon, or that wasn't what he says when I am there is just plain ludicrous. He must really think that most American's are idiots.
Of course the Obama supporters are spinning this their own way and most are drinking the same Kool Aid.
If Obama was smart, he would disassociate himself from Reverend Wright, condemn what he says, and most importantly leave that church altogether. He could restore some credibility to himself and his campaign.
Side note, I am not an Obama supporter, nor will I vote for him if he is the candidate. I just find it hysterical how he is allowing this whole situation implode on itself, and act as if nothing is wrong.
What's even funnier is the whole Democratic party imploding on itself. Their convention should be interesting to say the least.
In this blogger's humble opinion race is still an issue in this country only because those of color choose to make it that way.
08 March, 2008
Five Years (and one day) Ago
All three conditions subsequently changed my life then as I knew it. I had to give up a running career that I had so much enjoyed, and my EMS days abruptly ended as well, which was perhaps the most heartbreaking of all (no pun intended)
It took a few years, many hospitalizations, a defibrillator implant, a couple of different doctors, and lot's of different medication combinations, but for the last two years, things have been mostly stable with only two overnight hospitalizations.
I am due for a new defibrillator this year, probably over the summer.
It was very frustrating at first dealing with the symptoms, the unknown answers, and most of all the life changing events that I had to deal with. The toughest challenge of them all was dealing with emotional side of everything. The physical things, I could deal, but being so young and having to accept and go through these events, while still maintaining a career, and tending to a family was the toughest part of the diseases.
It took many years to finally accept and live with the heart conditions, and every since the doctors finally found the right medication combination that has helped stabilize everything and bring life to an even keel. I have for the most part maintained a regular exercise program, as well as do things on a physical that are reasonable
and although I was deal another blow, less than a year ago, with the MS diagnosis, I still try and maintain a positive outlook on life...at least on the outside.
I have many people to thank, a few close friends, but most of all, my loving family and beautiful wife. I would also be remiss, without thanking God for giving me the gift of life, and guiding me through these troubling times.