21 May, 2008

On Gas Prices

What the hell is going on. I just saw the oil closed over $130.00/barrel for the first time today. I paid 3.819/gallon yesterday to fill my car. I have gotten to the point that I am trying to get into the habit of filling the cars when the tanks are at the ½ way mark, just so it's not as big a dent in the wallet. My car has an 18 gallon tank, the Mrs, has 19.8, so filling an empty tank, really empties the wallet.

With a holiday weekend coming up, I am sure that by the end of the week we will see prices around the 3.90 range if not higher. I don't know how some people do it. Working stiffs like me, are once again getting screwed by the big Corporations, the government (with all the frigging taxes they have on gas). What we stiffs supposed to do, we need to drive to work, sure there are options and alternatives, but at some point you need your car to get around.

I'd like to see some more actions from our government instead of rhetoric and finger pointing. I am for independence on foreign oil, but the technology is in its infancy and while it may solve the problem in the long term, we need something done now, or pretty soon, nobody is going anywhere

This is getting ridiculous. My wallet gets smaller, and the oil companies and the OPEC nations are getting fatter.


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