As with any year, there were a lot of ups and downs, both figuratively and literally. Overall the downs outdrew the ups. Most of the downs came in the results of slips and falls, which although sporadic, and caused no serious injuries save for my ego, were certainly frustrating to deal with.
Of course the big blow came in July, when the neurologist finally dropped the MS bomb on me. Although we both had suspected and expected to finally hear him say it, albeit we did have to ask him directly, was certainly a shock to say the least.
So with that, came monthly IV infusions, which take about 1½-2 hours, and some more questions and further exacerbations of the disease. Most notably cognitive issues, with speaking, reading, and sometimes, typing. The speaking and reading when combined can be most troublesome as I am a lector at our parish, and have had a more than a few faux pas whilst reading. Most of them, were barely noticeable, only to me. I did have a minor flub during the mass of thanksgiving with Cardinal Foley during the first reading, which could very well have been perceived as nerves. I did however nail the second reading.
On the positive side, I am still able to ride my bike although still inside, I managed to crank out, 2,361.30 miles. It could have been more, but due to some physical and mental issues I took some time off, most of it was during the summer, when it was just too hot to ride, and I have to be careful with the heat.
More on the positive, the kids are doing great, both are great students, and are active in sports. I coach my daughters softball team.
The Mrs continues to work as both a teacher and part time nurse, while auspiciously maintaining order in an often chaotic household.
Perhaps the highlight of the year, was the naming of John Patrick Foley to the College of Cardinals, and his subsequent visit to our parish to celebrate mass. It was a very monumental night for my family and me, as well as our entire parish community
No retrospect would complete without at least a mention of the big boned cat. He still manages to get his 21-22 hours of sleep a day. This year he managed to kill at least five mice, and one bird. Four mice were in the house, one and the bird were outside...not too bad for a cat who is sans front claws. He also continues to be a thorn in the Mrs's side, as they clash over the sleeping arrangements...he wants to sleep with us, and she doesn't want him in our room. Its never ending battle.
On the sports front, the Phillies made the post-season for the first time in 14 years, only to be swept in the NLDS. All the excitement was short lived, it was a fun ride for the Phillies this year...side note, they lost their 10,000th game in franchise history, and your's truly was in attendance for the game. Although it's not a record they were happy to break, it was bound to happen in a franchise that has been around as long as they have.
The Eagles finished the year 8-8, missing the playoffs on the tiebreaker. A lot of questions need to be answered about the team, and the off season, should be very interesting to say the least. Most of which will be interesting fodder for the local radio and print media to speculate on, as well as your author.
Stay tuned to this blog, as there will be plenty more coming, in all aspects of sports, MS, and as the race for the White House heats up, I will be posting more and more about that as well.
Enjoy 2008