28 November, 2006

Our Poor Cat

Fluffy, our big boned three year old cat, has a nasty cut on his left hind leg. We took him to the vet last week, and after forking over 122 bucks, were are able to treat him here at home...Here is what we need to do.

  • Soak his foot for ten minutes in warm water and a capful of Chlorhexidine
  • Give him a vial of Bupenorphine in his mouth for pain
  • Clavamox, an antibiotic that we stick in some tuna so he will eat it
  • he is also not allowed out for two weeks
  • and finally put silvadene cream on his paw
  • The worst is that he has to wear the e-collar for two weeks

  • I feel really bad for him, he puts a pretty good fight when we first put his paw in the solution, but after about a minute he gives up. Then we dry him off and put the cream on his foot. Then I get some tuna out of the fridge, mash up his antibiotic and mix it altogether (little does the Fluff know about this trick).

    He is being a pretty good sport through all this, he does look a little down though, so I am giving him extra attention, and we bought him some catnip. He also seems to be adjusting to not being allowed out. Honestly I don't think he wants to be seen by the other cat's in the hood with the e-collar on.

    As hard as all this is on him, I know we are doing the right thing for him, and his foot is staring to look better. He is getting some nasty scratches on me despite him not having front claws, he manages to maneuver his back one's around, as the scratches on my arm are evidence of.

    A few things that I learned:

    • Always wear long pants
    • Always wear long sleeves
    • The soaking the foot process is best done on the floor
    • Give him his pain medicine about 15 minutes before hand, it mellows him out and he is easier to handle
    • Having a helper is good, if anything to pet him to keep him calm
    • Last but not least, no amount of narcotics will make a cat like water, ever.

    The picture above was taken a few nights ago, as you can see by his expression he is not a happy kitty.

    Hope you get better soon Fluff, you're being a good sport so far, only nine more days


    27 November, 2006

    Eagles 21 Colts 45

    As expected the Eagles got their asses kicked on national television last night. Because it was late game, I only made to about the middle of the third quarter, which is probably a lot longer than most fans lasted.

    Peyton Manning didn't even have to do any of his magic night, as it was the rookie Joseph Addai whose 24 carries for 171 yards, and four touchdowns (tying a NFL rookie and club rookie record) led the way for the Colts. Manning and his stud receivers really weren't much of a factor and Manning's numbers were really low for him, (14-20, 183 yards, 1 TD, 1 Int).

    On paper Jeff Garcia had a pretty good game, 19/23, 140 yards and 2 touchdowns, but in the end the Colts just dominated the Eagles.

    Indianapolis dominated the game from the kickoff on. The Eagles defense specifically the interior line and linebackers kept missing tackles, and were getting thrown all over the field. I have a feeling that the team will be practicing in pads again this week, although that didn't seem to help this week.

    The Eagles need some serious help on defense, this is mostly the same defense that was so revered two years ago, and sent 4-5 guys to the Probowl. They have a lot of young players locked into to long term deals, but the linebackers are where they need the most help. Dhanni Jones should be gone, Matt McCoy, is still young and will probably get better, Jeremiah Trotter, is okay, but he is not as effective as he should be in the middle. Even the secondary looks like crap. Sheldon Brown and Lito Sheppard have been disappointing this year, although Lito has come up with a few big plays this year, they are both getting burnt on passing routes, and missing tackles. This may be the last year for Brian Dawkins, even though he has one year left on his deal after this season. Although they may keep him around just for his leadership. Sean Considine continues to impress me at Strong Safety and has solidified his starting role.

    Heck even Akers is having an off year, he missed a 36 yarder early in the game, but long snapper Mike Bartrum snapped it a little high (his second time in as many weeks) and Dirk Johnson, did a great job getting the ball down. Overall Akers has been disappointing overall.

    On the positive side, Brian Westbrook had another phenomenal game rushing for 124 yards on 20 carries, and grabbing 46 yards on 7 receptions. He is one of the best draft picks the Eagles have had in the last few years.

    Next week the Panthers come to town, in another prime time game, Monday night.

    Its going to be a long rest of the season.


    26 November, 2006

    Michael Richards Comments

    Two of the men who were the apparent targets of Kramer's racial tirade a few weeks ago have hired a high powered attorney, Gloria Allred and want to sit down and discuss man to man, the comments. Richards is supposed to appear with the never camera shy Jesse Jackson today and have a little chat with him, and another not so camera shy big mouth, Al Sharpton, says Richards apology is not enough.

    Sure what Richards said was despicable and unacceptable in the 21st century. The guy obviously has some issues, and needs to come out and sincerely apologize for what he said, it would be the right thing to do, but Jackson and Sharpton are going to keep pushing and pushing this until, Richards forks over some cash.

    Whatever chance Richards had of getting work now, is probably over, at least for a little while until this whole thing blows over, which I am sure it will, but as with all things in this country, it will forever be attached to him, no matter what he says, how much he pays, or what he does

    Was it free speech, sure (as much as it bothered me), was it right what Richards said, absolutely not.

    But its nothing that a couple of million dollars can't make amends for.

    Only in America.


    24 November, 2006

    November Weather

    As I am typing this it is 62° here in the Philly suburbs. I shut my heat off...again. Boy this weather is really crazy. Yesterday it was cold and rainy and in the 40's, today its sunny and spring like. The long range forecast for the next few days is calling for much of the same as it is today, in fact Thursday, the 30th they calling for temperatures in the upper 60's.

    Hey I am not complaining, I'd take this weather all year round, just seems odd that its this warm, this late in November. Kind of tough to get into the Christmas spirit and mood with spring like temperatures.


    23 November, 2006

    The Start of the Christmas Season

    Well Thanksgiving is just about over, and that means that the Christmas season officially begins. Most store in this area are opening at 0500. I can't believe people will be up and out that early, can't say that I blame them though, some of the best sales of the season occur early black Friday. Must be tough for the retail workers, who have to be even earlier than opening to get ready for the mad rush. I will try to do most of my shopping on line and avoid the mall's at all possible costs, less headaches that way

    Having worked in retail many years ago, this time of year was always very hectic, and stressful, but since I worked on commission, very profitable.

    Not sure what I want from Santa this year, but I have time to figure that out.


    22 November, 2006

    Happy Thanksgiving

    We all have a lot to be thankful for. We live in a great country, where the people truly have a voice in government, are free to speak out against it, worship as they please, and enjoy many freedoms that we often take for granted.

    I am thankful for a wonderful family, beautiful wife and children, brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews, and most of all my parents for their loving support throughout the years.

    Let us also give thanks to the men and women of the US Armed Forces past, present and future who, have proudly served, died, and bled in defense of this great nation. This country owes you a debt of gratitude that we can never repay, on behalf of my family, thank you and God bless you all, especially those who cannot be with their families this holiday season.


    Garcia To Start on Sunday

    Philadelphia Eagles Coach Andy Reid announced earlier today that Jeff Garcia will start against the Indianapolis Colts on Sunday night.  Lucky for Jeff that this is an away game.  I can only imagine what the boo-birds would do if Garcia doesn't come out strong, if this game was in Philly.  I am sure talk radio will be interesting the next few days and afterwards.
    When Feeley started in six games in the 2002 season he was 5-1, so I thought given that historical statistic that Coach Reid would turn the reins over to AJ.  
    Garcia looked pretty good the other day when he filled, let's hope that him practicing with the first team this week, will help him get his rhythm and shake some of the cobwebs loose.  Garcia is 36 and has a lot of experience with the west coast offense, so I think Reid made the right choice.  Feeley is a little younger and has less starting experience but has a lot of time with this team, specifically the offense, and the coaching staff, so he knows the ins and the outs.  Both men are certainly qualified to start, but only time will tell.
    Hopefully the defense and special teams work extra hard this week and get their head's in the game.  The Colt's are a tough team, and the Eagles will be lucky to pull out a win in prime time Sunday Night.

    21 November, 2006

    A Smart Decision

    The decision by News Corp to cancel OJ Simpsons Book and Special is to be applauded. To give this man any more face time or press coverage is a crime. He should be rotting in a jail cell, instead of playing golf, and living the high and mighty life.

    I have always enjoyed Fox News for their right of center spin on the news, I truly believe they are fair and balanced. The rare times I do turn on network news it is the Fox News Channel.

    Good to see that the News Corp has a set, and did the right thing. Unfortunately, some other network and publishing house will probably give OJ a deal, and the book and special will continue on. Proving once again, that the almighty dollar is king here in the U S of A.


    RIP Andre

    Former Philadelphia Eagle Strong Safety Andre Water. age 44 died yesterday apparently from a self inflicted gunshot wound.

    Andre was part of the Eagles 1984-1993, and finished his career in Arizona.

    He was a fierce competitor, and a viscous hitter. He came out of nowhere, division II Cheyney Univesity, which is about 20 miles outside of Philadelphia, to make this team, an undrafted player who made the roster, and went on to a stellar career. He certainly defined the role of Strong Safety, and his physical play on the field has yet to be duplicated. Combined with Free Safety Wes Hopkins, receivers and back feared being hit by these two men. The Eagles defense in the late 80's and early 90's was one of my personal favorite. I loved the way they hit, and played the game...We could those some of those guys back again. Sad to say that three of those men are longer with us, Jerome Brown, Reggie White, now Andre. Great men who left this world way to you.

    Will be interesting to see what comes about with the investigation, on why he committed suicide. Sad that he left this world so young and with so much to teach younger men.

    I hope you found your peace Andre, you were a great player and will always be remembered in this town.


    19 November, 2006

    McNabb's Injury

    Well number 5 is done for the year, and possibly longer. So now its up to Jeff Garcia and AJ Feeley to lead the team for the remainder of the year and possibly beyond. Not sure who will be starting next week, but my gut tells me that it will be Jeff Garcia. I am sure Andy Reid and Tom Heckert will be going over the waiver and free agent wires this week and maybe bring in another veteran as an alternative to Garcia and Feeley. I just hope they don't bring back Koy Detmer.

    I'd like to see Feeley get a shot at leading the offense since he has experience with the team. Garcia did okay today, but I think now that he has the opportunity to be the starter, and will practice with the first team he will do better next week. He needs to step in and step up. The Colts will not be easy next week.

    Whomever starts next week, has big shoes to fill. McNabb is a great quarterback, although he lacked consistency sometimes, he always made defenders think about what he might do. Feeley and Garcia do not have the excitement factor that McNabb brings as well as the running ability. Should be an interesting game, especially since the Colts lost to Dallas today, and the Colts are now 9-1.

    Stay tuned, and let's see if the Eagles can salvage at least a .500 season this year.


    Eagles 13 Titans 31

    What an ass-whooping today here in Philly.

    When things go wrong here in the city of brotherly love, things do. McNabb goes down with a knee injury, defenders miss tackles, special teams miss tackles and allow a 90 yard punt return, the long snapper snaps the ball too high on a field goal, and most of all the receivers drop balls.

    After an amazing game last week, and some excellent play on both sides of the ball. The Eagles came out flat from the get-go.

    Losing McNabb for the game doesn't help matters either. Jeff Garcia is a good quarterback, but is not the mobile threat that McNabb is. Garcia was throwing a lot of screens and short out passes, and not airing the ball out like McNabb has been known to do on occasion. Of course the receivers dropping balls that are thrown at the numbers is not the quarterback's fault. Hopefully the injury to McNabb isn't that serious, and he will be able to return next week. The broadcasters during the game were silent as to the seriousness of the injury.

    The secondary missed at least two opportunities to intercept the ball and return for TD's but dropped the ball. Seems the dropsy's are contagious on this Eagles team, and its not just on the offense.

    What a frustrating game, the Eagles should have blown out the Titans. The Eagles were 14 point favorites. From the first snap to the final whistle, this Eagles team lacked heart, which seems to be a common theme this season. There is a lot of blame to go around for today's loss, to blame one person would be nearly impossible. This was a team loss

    Westbrook looked good, and his numbers were good, but he can't do it all alone. He needs support from the other 52 players on the team. Another good player is Sean Considine. Since he has taken over for Michael Lewis at Strong Safety he has performed incredibly and deserves to be in the starting position. I hope the Eagles sign him to a long term deal, since he a young player

    Next week the Eagles travel to Indianapolis to play the Colts. If today's game is any indication, the Eagles have a lot of work to do, if they are to beat the Colts, and most of all make the playoffs.

    Of course Andy Reid will come out and say its his fault, and he needs to take more responsibility. He can't make receivers catch, defenders tackle, or prevent dumb mistakes. He needs to put some fire in these players. This season is going down the toilet in a hurry, we need a plunger.

    Props to Jeff Fisher, he coached a helluva game, and the Titans out played in all aspects of the game. Vince Young is going to be a good quarterback in the NFL, he looked great, better in the first half than the second, but his arm, and scrambling abilities are amazing to watch.


    The First Confession

    Yesterday my youngest made his first confession at his parish school, This is in preparation for his first communion which will be on 29 April 2007 at our home parish. There must have been over 50 children receiving the sacrament. There were five priests, two from St Gabe's, one for Holy Spirit, one from St George, and one from St Rose of Lima. The children had the option to go face to face, or in the confessional, with any of the five priests. Surprisingly most of the children chose the confessional. My boy chose to go face to face, and he met with our parish priest, since he was most comfortable with our priest. I noticed a few of the kids were crying prior to doing their first confession, which was to be expected.

    The priests make the sacrament very easy and comfortable for the kids, no pressure, no lecturing, just an easy process for the kids. Which is the way it should be. Lest they get scared to go to confessions in the future

    The parents family members were also given the opportunity to do a confession, which both my wife, daughter also did. My last confession was about six months ago, so it was good to clear my conscience and receive absolution. I met with the St Gabriel pastor, and I had the opportunity to introduce myself to him, and we had a nice little chat.

    We are very proud of our son, he did a great job, and this is the first step of his Catholic faith. We are glad it was a positive experience.


    17 November, 2006

    OJ's New Book

    So OJ's new book, If I Did It is coming out soon, and its written in a hypothetical context. I bet he is thanking the football god's that double jeopardy is in the Constitution, because, to me this sure seems like a confession, if in fact this is what the book is really about. There is even a two part television special about it.

    I guess he hasn't had any face time lately, so he felt the need to write a book, and do a TV special. Sadly, the Brown and Goldman families will reportedly not see a dime of the $33 million that is owed to them from the civil case. Nice to see that OJ has time to write a book, and not look for the real killer, (maybe his mirror's are broken in his house). Sadly, OJ continues on with his high and mighty lifestyle, while the Goldman and Brown families lack closure.

    What really angers me about this whole situation, is that OJ Simpson, and his defense team, played the race card, during the criminal trial. Of course the trial was a media circus anyway, which only complicated things.

    I'm not buying the book, nor watching the TV special. For all his accomplishment's on the football field, OJ Simpson is really a jackass. Hopefully he will come to his senses one day, and admit what most people already know that he did in fact commit the murders.

    Money and fame can get you a lot of things in America, but one day, OJ will have to answer for what he did, and no defense lawyer in heaven or hell will be able to help him then.

    Only in America


    16 November, 2006

    Five Years Later

    This Saturday, 18 November 2006 will be the fifth anniversary of my one and only marathon. The Philadelphia Marathon.

    I trained for five months for that day, mostly by myself, occasionally with Joe, and my long marathon training runs, and the marathon itself were with my younger brother Ken.

    While I was disappointed at my overall 4:55 performance, (at mile 15, mile left hip bursitis started acting up, and by mile 22 was agonizing) I persevered and finished what was to be my only marathon. I proudly display my finishers medal in my dining room.

    After a brief recovery period, I continued on with my running, and the spring/summer of 2002 had my best racing season to date, with a 10 minute PR in a ten mile race, and an age group win in the local fun run

    Less than a year later, my running/racing career came to an abrupt end, with the diagnosis of three heart conditions. Not to be destined to a life of couch potatoes, I began riding my bike, certainly not at the competitive level that I would have liked, but it kept my spirits and legs moving.

    Earlier this year, I began experiencing problems, with my balance, falls, headaches, and tremors in my right arm and leg, among other things. I am currently undergoing a battery of test and am being followed by two neurologist, one of them being a specialist in MS.

    So far, that have not ruled out nor have they diagnosed MS, but all indications are leading toward the MS diagnosis

    A lot has happened to me in the time since my marathon. I have been thrown a lot of curves, but I still keep moving forward. I can't say that life has been easy for me, it hasn't. I am a very proud person, and over the years, especially in the last six months, I have had to really swallow my pride, and ask for help. Those of you who know me well, know how hard it's been on me to give up some of the things I truly love (running, and my EMS duties especially), and even asking friends, family, and neighbors for help. Even simple chores around the house are difficult for me.

    Having the health problems that I have had, has really humbled me, but most of all, I have learned a lot about myself. While I am still having trouble adjusting and coping with some of the difficulties I have been facing. I am realizing the true kindness of people.

    I thank God everyday for allowing me to have helped so many people and touch so many lives in my service to my community. I also thank God for giving me beautiful children, and a wonderful caring wife.

    So, five years later, I am still here, my racing days may be over, but I still have plenty of life yet to live.

    The picture above is me at about mile 17


    15 November, 2006

    The Race For President 2008

    It comes as no surprise that only a few days after the elections of 2006 that talk of 2008 Presidential race has begun. So far Rudy Giuliani has formed an exploratory committee, and John McCain is talking things over with his family. That is actually a ticket I'd like to see. Giuliani for President and McCain as VP. John McCain is 70 years old now and would be 72 by the time the election comes around. The great Ronald Reagan was 69 when he was elected, and served this country with distinction for eight years.

    Both McCain and Giuliani would be good for this country. Giuliani best known for his eight years as mayor of New York City, and being a calming voice after the 9/11 tragedy. McCain has an impeccable war record, and no one in this country could date question his service to this country. Having served over five years in POW camp during Vietnam. Senator McCain is a son and grandson of four star Admirals. His dad, was CINCPAC during Vietnam, and his grandfather was in charge of carriers in the Pacific theatre during WWII.

    I have read books written by these two men, Giuliani's Leadership and McCain's Faith of My Fathers both were excellent books, and are shelved in my office. I supported Senator McCain in 2000 when he first ran and was disappointed when he withdrew.

    I am sure we will start seeing more names pop up, probably after the holidays this year. I am sure the GOP would like some more conservative candidates than McCain and Giuliani. The GOP got their asses beat in the election of 2006, and I think they are going to have a hard time hanging on to the white house in 2008 if they don't right the ship.

    Should be an interesting next couple of years, stay tuned, the fun is just beginning.


    14 November, 2006

    Term Limits

    First and foremost.  I would love to see the United States Constitution amended to add term limits to members of Senate, House of Representatives, and all Federal Judges, including Supreme Court Justices.  My recommendations are as follows:
    • Senators, Two six year terms
    • House of Representatives, Five two year terms
    • Federal Judges, 15 years
    • Supreme Court Justices, 20 years.  Chief Justices, five years (inclusive in the twenty year limit)
    For members of Congress, once their time in office has expired, they cannot run for the office they once held again, ever.  A representative at the end of his ten years could run for Senate, and vice versa.  The same for Federal Judges, they can move up to the next higher court and their time would reset at the commencement of them taking their new seat.
    It would be nice to see some new faces every few years in the Congress, to bring a fresh perspective to this country.  It seems every election cycle challenging candidates promises big changes and most of the time end of falling well short of expectations.  I blame that more on the political party's more than the candidates themselves. 
    Its time for the elected members of this country to be held accountable to the electorate.  We have too many career politicians, let's see some new faces in Washington.

    Thank You Congressman Weldon

    A quick thank you to outgoing Pennsylvania Seventh District member of the United States House of Representatives, Curt Weldon. Mr. Weldon served this area very well, throughout out his twenty years in the House. He was especially good to the firefighters of this country, particularly the volunteer company's in this district. As a 20 year member of a volunteer fire company, I appreciate all that Mr. Weldon has done, and the appearances he has made at the various fire service events over the years. Congressman Weldon also helped keep a lot of highly skilled defense jobs at the local Boeing plant.

    Good luck Mr. Weldon in whatever you do. Your service to the residents of this area may be over, but it certainly won't be forgotten.

    I hope incoming Congressman Sestak is as good to the firefighters, and the all the citizens of this area as Mr. Weldon was. You have big shoes to fill Mr. Sestak, remember you represent the residents of southeastern Pennsylvania first, not the Democratic Party.


    My Dream Cars

    Should I ever have the opportunity, and money not being an object here are some of the cars that I would fill my garage with:
    • Ford GT
    • 1968 Shelby Mustang GT500
    • 2007 Shelby Mustang GT500
    • The Dodge Challenger Concept
    • 1971 Plymouth Hemi GTX
    • Jeep CJ7 or Renegade
    • Bugatti Veyron 16.4 (at 1.4 million this is definitely a dream)
    • Koenigsegg CCR (a little bit more affordabale than the Veryon at 695K)
    • BMW 325
    • Mercedes 500CL
    • Lexus LS460
    • 2006 Dodge Charger

    No garage would be complete without a few trucks:

    • Ford F250 (4x4)
    • Hummer H1 (military version)
    • Honda Ridgeline
    • 1970ish Ford Bronco
    • A WWII era Jeep

    Family Cars (since I do have one):

    • Honda Accord
    • Acura RDX
    • Ford Freestyle
    • Honda CR-V

    Both of our cars run well, so we won't be in the market for a new one for at least a few years. When the time comes for us to get a new car it should be interesting to see what's out there.

    If I had to choose right now, I'd probaly go for a Jeep Rubicon or the Dodge Charger


    12 November, 2006

    Eagles 27 Redskins 3

    Well after three straight games of loses, two in the final seconds of the games, the Eagles come away with a win It was nice to see the offense put some big numbers on the board today, Donte Stallworth, 6 catches for 139 yards, including a beautiful 84 yard TD. Brian Westbrook had a great game today as well, 22 carries for 113 yards on the ground, and 3 catches for 37 yards.

    The Eagles dominated the Redskins this whole game, the defense played a great game, even though they did not sack Mark Brunell, they were in his face a lot. Only one dumb penalty today, which is a lot better than the last few games.

    McNabb had an okay game, 12/26 for 222 yards and 1 touchdown.

    The second half of this game was pretty boring, but the Eagles were able to hold the Redskins scoreless, which is a plus, since the Eagles have had a tendency to fall apart in the second half of late.

    Best play of the game was the 37 yard fumble recovery by Correll Buckhalter. It was a pass to Reggie Brown that bounced right into the hands of Buckhalter who took it in for the score. Definitely one that needs to be seen to truly appreciated.

    My game ball goes to Donte Stallworth, after missing three games earlier this year, he has really stepped it up. His 84 yard touchdown was an amazing catch and run, there was no Redskin withing 10 yards of him.

    The clock management in the fourth quarter was perfect, grinding out the yards on the ground, instead of risky pass plays was a good decision by Coach Reid, especially given the lousy weather we had today in Philly

    Next up the Tennessee Titans here in Philadelphia next week.

    Keep up the good work guys.


    08 November, 2006

    Movie Review: The Departed

    This movie set in Boston, and is about the Irish mob, stars Jack Nicholson, Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio.

    Jack Nicholson, is an aging mob boss involved in all sorts of activity, from drugs to smuggling computer chips. Matt Damon is a up and coming detective in the Massachusetts State Police, while doubling as a mole for Nicholson. Leonardo DiCaprio is a street punk, who is recruited by the MSP, to infiltrate Nicholson's gang, and get enough evidence to put Nicholson and his gang behind bars

    The movie focuses on the Damon and DiCaprio characters and the troubles they are having masking their identities as moles for their respective organizations, as well as the various police investigators frustrations with not being able to put Nicholson away for good.

    It was nice to see Jack in a bad guy role again after his last few comedic movies. This is Jack at this finest. His in your face, loud, and violent mannerisms. I don't think any other actor could have played his part any better. It was one the best Nicholson characters to date.

    This movies feature a lot of mob type violence and strong language, so be forewarned if you plan on seeing this. According to IMDB the F-bomb is said 237 times. This movie has a running time of 152 minutes, so that calculates to 1.56 F-bombs per minute. By comparison Scarface, has 207 f-bombs, in a 170 minute movie or an average of 1.2 per minute, and Goodfellas has, 246 in 145 minutes for an average of 1.7 per minute.

    I highly recommend this movie. If you enjoy mob/crime movies, then you will really like this movie. I can't wait until it comes out on DVD, I will definitely pick it up.


    Election 2006: My Comments

    The election is now over, here is my analysis:

    Pennsylvania Senate:
    I voted for Bob Casey. Though I liked Senator Santorum, I felt it was time for a change. Bob Casey, Jr. seemed to be a good candidate, and he earned my vote, although it wasn't until I got into the voting booth that I made my final decision

    Pennsylvania Governor:
    I supported Ed Rendell. He has done a great job with the state, and deserved to be re-elected. Another thing, the Republican party putting up Lynn Swann, who has never held an elected office. I guess the State GOP wasn't real interested in the governor's office this year.

    Pennsylvania 7th Congressional:
    I voted for Curt Weldon. Congressman Weldon, a ten term incumbent has been very good to this area. Especially the local fire service, to which I am eternally grateful. It was sad to see him lose last night. I hope Congressman Elect Sestak, can do as good a job as Mr. Weldon has done for this district. Mr Sestak you have big shoes to fill, you won, now let's see what you can do.

    Thank you Mr. Weldon for you years of tireless service to the citizens of this district. You did a great job.

    Pennsylvania 162nd State Representative:
    I voted for Ron Raymond. He has done a lot of good for this area, and as long as he runs he will have my support.

    The democrats now have control of the US House. Let's see if all the virile rhetoric they were spewing was all talk or if they will actually do some good. You guys are now in control, and will now be under the microscope. Let's see some action, not just talk


    Letter to the Editor

    Below is a verbatim letter to the editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer, not sure if it will be published or not, but I thought I would share it with the cyberspace world

    An open letter to all candidates of all parties:

    Congratulations to those who were reelected and newly elected. The people of this great Commonwealth and Nation have spoken.

    Although I am a registered republican, I historically vote across party line, and have on occasion voted for a third party. This election was no different. I am a 38 year old suburban Philadelphia resident who has voted in every general election, and I have only missed one primary election in my 20 years of eligibility. I consider it my civic duty to cast my vote, my voice, each and every election no matter what year it is. I choose my candidates based on my own research, and whether or not I feel they will best represent me, and my family, locally, nationally, or at the state level. What party they are running for has no impact on my decision.

    What I am frustrated with the whole election process is the personal and negative attacks that are volleyed at opposing candidates, from each other and from the national parties. Just once, I would like to see/hear/read a, TVradio ad, an email, a mailer that tells me what issues the candidate supports or opposes. I don't want to see or hear what their opponent does/doesn't support, who is supporting them, who they are endorsed by. To me, its all about the issues. That's all. Negative ad's make no difference to me, and depending on the ad, can steer me away from the candidate doing the attacking.

    One final thought. One thing it seems to me that those elected to office seem to forget is that they represent the voters of their district, state, nation, not the national party to which they belong. Just remember, you answer to your constituents first, not the national/local party. This nation is a government of the people, for the people, and by the people. We are the reason you are where you are, you serve at our pleasure.


    07 November, 2006

    Election 2006

    Well today is the day. All the millions of dollars spent on TV, Mail, and Emails now its time for the voters to put up.

    I for one, will be glad when today is over. No more phone calls, attack ad's, emails begging for money.

    I can see how people get so turned off with the whole election process, the candidates are too busy attacking each other, and forgetting about the issues that the voters (their bosses) care about. As this blogger has previously posted about
    I am sick of these ad's, phone call's, etc.

    It always amazes me how low the voter turnout is in this country. I am sure this election
    will be around 40-45%. That is a disgrace. It takes so little time to vote, yet so a majority of those eligible do not exercise the right. It is this blogger's opinion that those who don't vote, are probably the one's who complain the most about the system.

    I will vote after I leave the office tonight. Since I have been eligible, I have only missed one election, and that was a primary in 1996. The only reason was the birth of our first daughter. I have always made the time to vote, no matter what the year. My vote is my voice, and its also my right

    A word to the wise, If you don't vote, don't bitch
